Part 64

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"Take a step back and bow to your partner."

Zoella did as her teacher instructed neatly. Her movements were no longer stiff and Zoella could dance elegantly.

"And done. You finally dance without any mistake now, Lady Leighton."

Mariah, Zoella's dance teacher, and Madam Stefield's former student said cheerfully. She was truly proud of her student and felt the three weeks of intense class finally paid off.

"Thank you, Mariah. I couldn't have done it without you."

Clap clap clap~

Zoella turned her head to the clapping sound. Her family stood by the door with wide grins on their faces. Even Hayes and Tyrael were there.

"You did it, Zoe."

Her face turned red at her Brother's compliment. All five of them approached Zoella in a calm manner.

"Since when did you all here?"

"Let me see... Tyrael and I were here when you prepared to dance and the three of them watched from the middle part, I think."

Zoella's red face became redder. She didn't expect they would see her practice.

"Good job, baby."

"Thank... you, Mother."

Amelia hugged Zoella tightly. So tight that Zoella was almost out of breath. Realizing her daughter was almost choked, Amelia immediately let go of Zoella from her arms.

"Oh my, I'm sorry. Zoe, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mother."

"Then, I will be taking my leave."

"Ah, yes. Be careful on your way, Mariah."

Zoella was completely forgotten that Mariah was still in the room because of her family's sudden appearance.

Mariah bowed before she left the room.

"Ahem, now all you need to do is choose a partner to dance."

Elijah who kept quiet for some time finally let out his voice. Zoella observed the faces of her Father, Brother, Hayes, and Tyrael.

Madam Stefield told her that usually, the debutants would have their Fathers or Brothers as their partners if they didn't have fiancées. Naturally, Zoella couldn't ask Hayes or Tyrael to be her partner in debutante.

It was a shame since Zoella was planning to ask them to avoid the quarrel between her Father and Brother.

"What is there to choose? Of course, she would choose her cool Brother. Right, Zoe?"

Noah said with a smug grin on his handsome face.

"Why would she want her bratty Brother to be a partner? I, her Father, am clearly a better choice."

Elijah didn't want to lose to Noah.

It didn't really matter to Zoella who her partner was. Despite his age, her Father's face could be on par with Noah's.

While Noah gave off a gentlemanly vibe with his hospitable gaze and kind smile, Elijah's sharp gaze and strong jawline gave off a dangerously beautiful vibe.

Even his wrinkles couldn't hide his handsome face. 

"Father, are you sure you still remember the dance steps?"

"At least I didn't run away on my debutante like a certain someone."

With their quarrel still going on, it was as if there was an ominous spark between them.

"Zoella baby, you need to step in before they destroy this place."

Amelia gently whispered into Zoella's ear. Zoella could see from the corner of her eye that her Mother's words weren't a joke.


"What is it, Zoe?"

"Do you need something, daughter?"

Both of them turned their attention to Zoella the moment her voice reached them.

"Well, Father... I would love to dance with you."

Elijah's face brightened while Noah looked shocked.

"But, I'm worried about Mother if I take you away from her. So, I'll dance with Brother instead."

This time, their expression reversed. Elijah looked really dejected while Noah had a big smile and his eyes twinkled.

"Don't you worry, Zoe. I'll be the best partner you ever have."


"It's settled then. The debutante is around the corner so why don't we buy a dress, baby? Of course, you can pick anything you want."

"I will escort her, Mother. Sir Hayes and Tyrael are welcome to join us."

"No problem. We also don't have anything to do."

Hayes agreed right away while Tyrael only nodded his head. Hayes concluded Zoella's training two weeks after they start.

Not only because Zoella managed to do those magic freely now, but Hayes also wanted Zoella to focus on her dance class. Hayes was relieved that his decision was right.

"How is it, baby?"

"Sure. I'll just go to my room first to pick something. I'll see you later!"

Zoella dashed to her room quickly. It's been a while since she went outside so Zoella wanted to bring Eirwen along.

Zoella entered the room as she walked straight to Eirwen's cage and opened it.

"Would you like to go outside, Eirwen?"

Without wasting any time, Eirwen flew and sat comfortably on Zoella's shoulder.

"I'll take it as a yes."

Zoella took her sweet time walking now.

The past three weeks had been hell for her, especially the first two weeks. Right after the etiquette and dance lesson, Zoella must practice three difficult magic right away.

It was a miracle that she didn't burn out after those intense training.

"So, you went to fetch your pet. I should've known."

Tyrael's voice made her come back to reality. Zoella didn't realize that she had arrived at the front gate.

"What? Are you jealous because you don't have a grif- I mean, a pet?"

"Why would I be?"

"Alright, that's enough. Get in, Zoe."

Because of Noah's interference, Zoella couldn't say any words in her mind. She quietly took Noah's hand as she get into the carriage.


Noah commanded after all four of them sat comfortably.

"Do you know what kind of dress you want, Zoe?"

Hayes's voice broke the silence.

"Not yet. I don't really know about dresses."

"Whatever dress you pick, you will look absolutely beautiful, Zoe."

The trip from their estate to a boutique didn't require a lot of time. They only need ten minutes to arrive using the carriage.

They didn't even realize they have arrived since the four of them talked all the time.

"Be careful."

Zoella was still feeling awkward to have someone help her to get in and get off the carriage. However, this was the basic manner of nobles based on her lesson with Madam Stefield.

Before her eyes, there was a quite large boutique. A lot of people went in and out of this boutique.

'This place must be really popular.'

"Let's go in, Zoe."

Zoella nodded as she followed her Brother. After all, they only need to pick a dress. What could possibly go wrong?  

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