Part 57

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Old man, I brought an elf named Tyrael with me but don't worry, I didn't kidnap him. It was his father who asked to bring him with me. I already put on a disguise for him to look like a human and do me a favor, will you? Create an identity for this kid saying that he's your relative. Also, accept him as the second-year new student in Swordsmanship Department. I'm counting on you.

Hayes Castor.

"This crazy boy..."

Edwin crumpled the letter in his hand after he read it. He had an ominous feeling when he received a letter from Hayes during his vacation which he had never done before.

And to think that he involved himself with the elves, Edwin would surely give him a piece of his mind when he came back.



The ground was tainted red. A group of trolls was eradicated completely by three people.

It's been a few days since Hayes decided he would continue to train Zoella along with Tyrael. He was concerned that he thought maybe elves were prohibited to kill monsters since Tyrael ran away when they encountered Eirwen.

Fortunately, there was no such a rule. Tyrael chose to run away at that time because he knew that he would die if he tried to fight Eirwen. In fact, Tyrael was quite skillful with his twin blades.

Tyrael wiped the blood on his cheek while looking down at the corpses. It was his first time killing a quite large number of monsters. It's only been a few days but Hayes could make him improve this much.

"Good work, Grandpa."

Zoella nudge Tyrael's arm as she sheathed her sword. On her shoulder, Eirwen sat calmly unbothered by her movements even during the fight.

Tyrael frowned when she said 'grandpa' to him. Zoella always called him that ever since she found out about his age.

"I'm not that old yet. Why did you call me grandpa?"

"Then what should I call a seventy-year-old man if not grandpa?"

Zoella kept on teasing Tyrael about his age every single chance she got. She still couldn't believe that the guy who looked her age was actually way older than her.

"And what would you call my father if you call me grandpa?"

"How old is he?"

"Probably... 210?"

Zoella looked at him with her eyes widened.

"You're kidding."

"I'm not."

"Elves originally have a longer lifespan than humans, Zoe. But since they have the life stone within their forest, their lifespan just getting longer."

Hayes chimed in their conversation. Tyrael was irritated when he looked at Hayes who had not a single drop of blood on his body or his clothes. So did Zoella if he looked at her closely.

Unlike his bloody stained appearance, there two people looked clean as if they didn't do anything at all.

"How convenient."



Zoella frowned because she couldn't catch what this elf said earlier since he murmured his words. Hayes chuckled as he cleaned Tyrael's clothes with his magic.

"There, you're cleaned up. Well then, why don't we rest for a bit under that tree?"

Hayes pointed at a very large tree on their left side far enough from the Troll's corpses. It was a shady tree that was comfortable enough for them to take a quick nap.

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