Part 38

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The second biggest room after the throne hall in the palace. This was the hall for the Grand noble meeting. Almost all nobles from every region in Vadian were present at the meeting along with the Royal Knight Captain, the Prime Minister of Magic, Edwin Owens, and Hayes Castor.

The seat was configured in a circle and mostly the nobles gathered with the head of their faction.

Of course, there were a few nobles who remained neutral not wanting to throw themselves at the battle of power.

Most nobles were greedy for power and didn't hesitate to get their hands dirty for it. That was why Hayes looked so irritated when he was dragged to this hall by Edwin.

Just looking at those nobles' faces made him want to vomit.

The knight at the entrance who had not said anything when the nobles were entering finally started to speak.

"His Highness, Crown Prince William Dominic Vadian, and His Excellency Grand Duke Ezekiel Damir Lucelence are now entering."

All people in the room raised from their seats as they bowed to their soon-to-be Emperor. Some time ago, William started to take over his father's duties. It was a given since he was the sole heir to the throne and frankly speaking, the nobles liked William more than his father.

But those who had nothing but greed in their hearts didn't like William one bit as he was hard to get swayed, unlike his father.

William and Ezekiel stopped at the center of the hall. William smiled after he observed around the hall.

"Take a seat."

The people sat back down in their seats after William did.

"Hereby, we will start the meeting. The topic is the subjugation of monsters in winter, strengthening the barrier and preparation for the winter."

A young man in his twenties read the meeting agenda loud and clear. He was William's secretary that was recommended by Jeremy.

"Your Highness."

Ephraim Luther, the Prime Minister of Magic raised his hand. For once, all of the attention was directed to him after William allowed him to speak.

"I believe that the barriers in our borders are still strong. If His Highness wishes to strengthen them then please ask Hayes Castor and Edwin Owens to come with us. It is so that we can make the barrier stronger than ever."

Hayes snorted at Ephraim's words. Being in the same room with that old man was already a challenge for his patience and now he wanted him to be on the same mission. Hayes would never agree.

Without wasting any time, Hayes opened his mouth.

"I object, Your Highness."

"Why is it, sir Castor?"

"Please, excuse my rudeness. However, if it is true Your Highness wishes to make a stronger barrier, then I alone am enough."

One of the nobles looked really mad at Hayes's arrogant tone that he couldn't help but speak.

"The Prime Minister is kind enough to take you to his mission and yet you can't even respect that, sir Castor."

"When did I ever ask him to take me? I'm strong enough without his help."

Ephraim looked straight at Hayes's eyes with an unreadable gaze. He couldn't object to Hayes's statement since what he said was right.

William subtly took a quick glance at Ephraim before responding.

"Of course, since Sir Castor is a 5th-grade mage there would be no problem if he go alone."

"Your Highness, if you allow I would also take part in this matter. The sooner we get it done the better."

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