Part 14

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"Alright, you can sit wherever you want."

Hayes said when they arrived in the classroom. The students glanced at each other before they chose their desks.

Zoella was a bit surprised to see the front row was quickly filled. In her world, the front row was the last row to be filled in.

'Moreover, this Academy looks more like a college than a school.'

She thought as she sat on her chair in the middle row with Margaret beside her.

When the students finished choosing their desks, Hayes flicked his fingers which made the papers he brought earlier float, and placed themselves on the desks.

"That's your schedule for this year and you can get your books in... now."

Right after he said that some staff entered the class while bringing a lot of books.

Zoella felt odd. Usually, she would be delighted to see the sight of books. But those books that the staff gave them, reminded her of the books Hayes told her to read three months ago.

They were very thick.

Not to mention, this time not only five. But eight very thick books were placed in front of her.

The staff bowed to Hayes before they left the room.

"Any questions before the teacher come?"

A guy in the front row raised his hand. Zoella looked in his direction as well as the other students. However, she couldn't see his face. She could only see his orange hair.

"Sir, is the reason you become our homeroom teacher because of that silver-haired girl?"


Zoella, who was resting her chin on her hand, raised her head. She was stunned to hear that straightforward question.

The eyes that were originally fixed on the orange-haired guy turned toward her. She gulped her saliva to reduce her nervousness. She stared at her classmates awkwardly.

"Well, maybe? Since she is my disciple of course I need to look after her."

"Sir, is she your hidden child?"

This time, another student asked him. Zoella turned her eyes toward her.





That was what Zoella wanted to shout right now. But she held it in because she didn't want to cause a ruckus. Instead, she glared at Hayes demanding to solve this issue.

Hayes who felt her glare smiled awkwardly before clearing his throat.

"Ahem, she's not. She's just my disciple that I love so much. If there are no more questions, I will leave and you guys wait for the teacher to come. Goodbye!"

He rushed out of the classroom leaving the confused students and the angry-looking Zoella. Her face was as red as a tomato. Not in a good term.


"Oh my, so she's the rumored disciple?"

"Did you hear? He said that he love her."

"But it was kinda vague don't you think? Who knows what kind of love he was talking about."

Zoella groaned at their whispers. She buried her face on her desk wanting to disappear.

"Zoella, are you okay?"

She could feel a pat on her back along with Margaret's voice. Zoella glanced at her to observe her reaction.

Zoella could see a worried expression across Margaret's face. She could feel that she was genuine. She raised her head and smiled a little.

At this time, Margaret reminded her of Gina. She would always worry about things that Zoella has done.

"I'm alright. I'll just need to ignore them. They're not important anyway."

She answered her in a loud voice. The room fell silent. The whispers could no longer be heard.

"Are you saying we're not important? You're just a commoner who was lucky to be picked up by Sir Castor."

A blonde-haired girl approached them. Looking at the way she was speaking, Zoella could tell that she was a noble.

"I was told in this Academy, we're no longer commoners or nobles. We're students."

The girl was surprised to hear Zoella's words. She didn't like it. She didn't like how Zoella confidently looked at her in the eyes.

She always thought that commoners should always bow to the nobles wherever they are.

However, Zoella said nothing wrong. It was true.

The first rule of Datmonia Academy was the status of the students is the same. Whether they were nobles or commoners once they got accepted into the Academy their status is irrelevant.

"I heard that you seduced Sir Castor with your body. I guess it makes sense since even the Marquess's son was rejected."

Another girl chimed in. She sneered at Zoella with her hand covering her lips. Zoella could see her eyes glancing at the orange-haired boy.

'I guess he is the one she was talking about.'

Zoella stood from her chair and smiled at them sweetly. The girls flinched to see her smile.

"Are you mocking us?"

"What do you mean? I'm just smiling. Only an idiot can't tell smiling and mocking apart."


Chuckles could be heard now. The girls' faces turned red in embarrassment.

"Also, I never seduce anyone. The fact that my teacher accepted me was simply because I'm more talented than him, right?"


"I know very well that he's extremely picky. Do you know? When he asked me to be his disciple, at first I refused."


Once again, the room fell silent. They never thought that they would hear this kind of story today. Even some students approached Zoella's desk.

"How ridiculous. Even though you're Sir Castor's disciple, you need to know your limit."

Zoella could hear a low trembling voice. It was the orange-haired guy. By the look of his face, it was clear that he was angry. He hoped that if Zoella saw him angry, she would shut her mouth.

It was annoying enough to be in the same class as her. He couldn't stand the thought that he, who always looked up to Hayes was rejected but this insolent girl was accepted. And now she said that she refused his offer to be his disciple.

But Zoella didn't budge as she already experienced worse in her world. This kind of threat was nothing.

"I didn't say anything wrong. You can ask him yourself and I guarantee that our stories are a match."

He clenched his fist tightly but he didn't say anything anymore. Not long after that, a teacher came into the room, and they hurried back to their seats. 

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