||Thank You||

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I don't even know how to start.


So... Uh....when did I start this story? In 2016, a couple of months after I first started using wattpad. I read my first ever boyxboy book. I could relate so much to it even though I'm a girl. Of course, I hadn't experienced homophobia so much at that time and still haven't, but well...

I also love to write, sometimes I'd sit there and just begin to write without even knowing where I'm going with it.

I guess that was how The Bartender started.

I wasn't sure what to do with it in the beginning, I changed the title a lot, unpublished it, published it again.. I guess you could say I wasn't serious. The truth is, I had no written plot line and was making it up as I go.

At a point, I was going to make Niall a werewolf.. Imagine that, lmao. If you read the part about his house, when Kyle drops him off, I left a hint there. I got rid of it though because I thought it was unrealistic. (Ch 15 P24)

Even the main storyline, Aiden's family -- which by the way was what helped me to actually make something out of this story -- was just something I came up with when J was writing the chapter. I know it seems unrealistic, but really, when you think about it, some LGBT families may be going through issues like that. If not a the parents, at least one of them had a struggle like that in the past and I think it's great that people can now love and be who they want.

Okay... So what I'm trying to say is, thank you so much for sticking with me through this book. For being such angels and for giving Aiden a chance. I really appreciate you guys, for reading this cringe worthy story and even liking it. You are amazing, each and everyone of you.

I love you.

Shoutouts to these guys:
Amdheeya45 love you ❤❤❤

You may not know it, but you inspired and pushed me to where I am right now and I can't thank you enough for that. I love you.

Maybe your name isn't up there, but don't think for a second that I don't appreciate you or care for you because I really do. ❤❤❤

Silent readers, I don't know who you are, or where you are, but I love you to bits wish you a happy life.

To those of you who vote and leave comments, you guys are the true gems. I love you so much. Reading your comments help me so much, you don't even know. I appreciate you all immensely. I haven't been able to thank you guys personally on your message boards, or dms. That's bad of me but I'll try my best to do so.

I talk a lot, lmao, sorry.

I love you.


P. S. Who wants a last new chapter?

Edit: 6/02/2022
So y'all finally got your "last chapter" lol. I rewrote the story (although the plot remained the same)... so I guess I actually just edited it. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this version, and I hope it's a little bit better than the previous one.

I am so excited for what's to come next and I can't wait yo share it with you all.

Thank you.

The Bartender | BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now