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TW:// Self-harm.

Since Brian was staying out that night, I wanted to sleep over. However, with the way Kyle was acting, I began to think that he didn't want me here. I didn't blame him because who would want a homophobic son of a bitch in their house right?

I really thought that my best friend would back me up on this but I don't know, it was starting to get to me. What if I was wrong here?

No, really. I hadn't exactly had an encounter with many homosexuals and the only ones I had met were the ones that hurt me. As such, I probably didn't know what I was talking about. Damn, I really needed to talk to someone about it. I mean, who knew that me, of all people, would be wrong about this issue. Niall would have a field day!

Now that I thought about it, how did Niall and Kyle become friends, how did they meet? I wanted to know so much and I knew Kyle was keeping so many things from me. It hurt. I was supposed to be his best friend right? Maybe he didn't like me as much as I thought. Ugh! What was wrong with me?

It probably has a lot to do with your attitude.

Curses to my conscience for being right. Kyle didn't like it when I called people fags or even when I bullied people at all. I understood, because he was there and saw me get bullied. He probably didn't understand why I did it. Hell, I didn't even understand it either.

I sighed and packed my books. Although Kyle had been angry with me, he really helped me a lot with economics and math and I knew that after a few more sessions, I'd be above average. It seemed like a joke, but really, Kyle was good like that.

"Okay then," I started saying but I don't even get the chance to finish as Kyle interrupted me.

"See you tomorrow," he said before getting up as well.

I thought he was going to see me off, but disappointment hung over my head like a damn cloud. Kyle just went to his bathroom and I showed myself out. All the way home, I kept pondering over what Kyle said. I mean, when you thought about it the other way, it made sense too. They were just like the rest of us, the only other exception was they preferred the same sex.

I sighed. I really wanted to try to like them. I'd do anything for Kyle, but I just couldn't find it in myself to do so. Not after what happened. No.

As soon as I got home, I parked the car in the garage and took the back entrance, through the laundry room to the kitchen. I was hungry, even after all the snacks I ate at Kyle's place. I didn't want to bother the maids and I was so tired to wait for a meal to be prepared so I just walked to the fridge to pick anything out. But before I even got to the fridge, I saw the worst image any child could ever see of their parent.

"Mom!" I screamed. "And on the kitchen counter? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I shouted before running off to my bedroom.

Oh God! How was I going to get rid of this image in my mind? Ew!

There was my mother, lying on the kitchen counter, naked with another naked woman doing things to her... ew. My mother!

Oh my God. Oh my God. "OH MY GOD!!!"

My mother! I couldn't believe it. As much as I tried, the images of her with that other lady would not stop playing in my head. It was like I had accidentally stumbled upon a very nasty lesbian porn playlist. Oh my God.

My heart kept hammering in my chest as I sat on the floor by bed, resting my back on the wall.

My mom was a lesbian.
My mother was a lesbian.
My mother was a fucking lesbian!

Oh my God.

My mother was cheating on dad.

The only thought in my head as I came to that conclusion was, Fuck!

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