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Aiden's POV.

After I left Kyle's house, I went straight home. My mom was in the living room drinking coffee by the time I got home. I was in no mood to talk. I just wanted to go up to my room and sleep. I didn't want to do a lot of thinking either. I had had enough of that. All I wanted to do was sleep and forget about everything that happened. I wished I could just forget about it and pretend as though it never happened.

I greeted my mom quickly and rushed up to my room. Locking my door, I laid flat on the bed and cried into my pillow. I had no answers to the many questions that run through my mind and I just wanted to cry myself to sleep. I honestly felt as though I had no reason to live.

First, I cut myself, second, I had a wet dream about a man I just met and third, I knew I'm not gay and yet, I wasn't noticing these weird things about my best friend and other guys. At least, I hoped I wasn't gay because there was no way I could be okay with that. I cried until I fell asleep.

Sleep was good to come to me, but everything had its negative sides. I was restless. I tossed and turned in my sleep and finally, I sat up and wiped sweat off my forehead with the back of my hands. I didn't like this at all. This may just be a simple situation to anyone, but to me, it was hell. My very own hell. And as if feeling bad about it was not enough, leave it to Kyle to tease me about it. I sighed.

Of course, Kyle just said it as a joke and maybe I may have been over reacting. But I was the one going through an emotional turmoil so it was highly acceptable to overreact. Damn, was I now hitting puberty?

I chuckled tiredly at my joke. I walked into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. As I brushed my teeth, I wondered how long I had slept for. It didn't matter to me until I remembered promising Kyle that I'd be in school. I knew Kyle would be thinking I did it again, which was normal given his position, but I didn't. I did feel the need to, but I was fighting hard against hurting myself.

I looked down at myself, taking notice of my arms and shook my head. This habit of mine had to stop. I went back into my room and slipped on a pair of sweatpants before walking downstairs to the kitchen. I was a bit hungry now. The maids were not in the kitchen so I walked over to the pantry and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

As I stood by the counter, the image that had been implanted in my head came back to me. I remembered how hot he looked standing behind that bowl of salad.

Shaking my head, I walked over to the fridge to get some milk. I stopped when I saw the note on the fridge which read:

"I'm out with a friend. Don't wait up. Don't forget to lock the door".

How come I didn't see that before? I sighed. My mom had been going out too much of late and I didn't understand why. And she didn't even bother to say goodbye to me. I mean, sure, it was okay for her to go out, and I was happy for her since she had cooped herself in the house for far too long. But it was getting out of hand. She wasn't at home during the weekend and today was just Tuesday.

But I didn't mind though. She was an adult after all. I took my bowl of cereal back to my room and sat on my bed before taking my phone and turning it on. It started buzzing the minute I turned it on and I saw the messages I had been sent, most of which were from Kyle, asking if I was okay.

I sighed and replied to Kyle that I was fine and there was no need to worry. After replying to Kyle, my mind went back to Brian. I wondered why they were living together. Kyle wasn't old enough to be living by himself, I thought. He was 18, yes, but so what? I was 18 and I knew I'd find it difficult if I lived by myself. I decided to wait until Kyle told me in his own time. I wasn't one to rush things, well... unless I got extremely impatient or frustrated, which was rare. My grandma told me patience was a virtue, but she also said all animals in the world went on one boat, so what does she know?

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