4: Into The Past

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*Bryan's pov* (season 5)

I opened my eyes, my body ached with a bit of pain but as soon as I came to my senses I bolted upright and looked around before my eyes landed to the egg in my arms. I sighed in relief as I looked around.

I stood up and looked at Bri's mansion. I haven't seen it ever since Bri left. I looked around and it was in nice shape. I shook my head as I walked lighting my arms on fire to keep the egg warm. I have to keep it warm after all.

I started walking it looked like it was starting to become early morning. I shook my head before a bird landed on my shoulder. I looked over to see Polly if I remember correctly the Divinus Magia guild parrot.

"Polly right?" I asked and the Parrot flew up before turning into a person.

"Mario told you about me?" Polly asked

"You could say." I said

"Well I've been waiting for you to wake up." Polly said

"Wait what? How long was I put for?" I asked

"....3 days?" Polly said and I blinked at them.

"I'm sorry wait I've been out for 3 days? Oh no that means 3 days without actual warm-" I was cut off from my freak out.

"I kept it warm. Davis is also here but he woke up a couple days earlier I've been going back and forth with making a warm place for Davis's egg and just burning you." Polly said

"Oh ok thank you." I said looking in a couple of directions before seeing Davis's egg. Bright blue, I got up and sat down next to it and set my brothers egg next to Davis's

"I recommend that as soon as Davis comes back we move soon. The Gmg games are still going on and I'm pretty sure the next event is going to be happening soon." Polly said

"Right. Wait GMG?" I asked

"We ended up in the past." Polly said and my heart dropped.

"Oh no." I said and Polly nodded.

"Miss P has her airship which I know you won't like, Davis didn't like the idea either, but if we need a place to stay that is the best place we got." Polly said

"Is there a place in there that we can keep these in while they incubate?" I asked

"The magic furnace that powers the ship is the best place unless Miss P installs something." Polly said before I heard a blink and I looked over to see Davis.

"Ya no they are setting up wool all over the place. Polly- oh Bryan good your awake we need to go now." Davis said and I got up picking up my egg and Davis came over and picked up his.

"Got stuck with responsibilities?" Davis asked and I gave him the look and he chuckled before we started heading out.

However as we walked out Davis grabbed me and blinked me up to a high spot right as grand master Jonathan came in.

I didn't hear to much just things about were to put wool. I looked at Davis who looked like he was focusing.

"Davis?" I whispered.

"I'm going to blink us to the airship but Polly needs to be at the ship on the deck so I know we're to blink to." Davis said

Polly flew off and we had to wait for a while however within the time period Jonathan figured we were here. The burn marks on the grass and fire definitely gave it away.

"Whoever is here come out those burns are fresh I know it." Jonathan said

For an evil old man he's observant. However observation will not make it so he locates us easily unless his ruin knight comes up into the air.

"Come on." I whispered and Davis hugged me close to him.

I was holding both eggs close to my chest because Davis was holding me to ensure that we all made it there and that the eggs wouldn't get left behind. Why is it so hard to just have the peace and quiet you want to be able to care for your future baby brother or even sister.

As the fairy man or whatever he was got closer I got nervous.

"Davis...." I said

"Wait....now." Davis said and he blinked but I saw the guy just coming to our level as we disappeared.

I landed and I bent forward to when I fell forward my head hit the deck and the eggs remained safe.

"You ok Bryan?" Davis asked as he moved around and I flopped onto my side and Davis took his egg I got into a sitting position.

"Ya I'm fine as long as the eggs are fine." I said before a cup of tea was put in my face.

"It'll help with your sickness before it hits." Miss P said

"Thanks?" I said taking the tea.

"Oooh look at those pretty eggs." Miss P said

"Those are their siblings and they need to incubate." Polly said walking out with what I remember is plant.

"Plant?" I asked

"It's Echeveria." Plant said correcting me

"Oh ok." I said as my hair got moved and miss P looked at my forehead.

"That's going to bruise badly." She said

"As long as my sibling remains safe." I said.

"Ah yes. Anyways time to find others before they aren't going to locate themselves to us." Miss P said

"What about Jonathan?" I asked

"What about him?" Miss P asked

"His knight saw us blink at the last second." I said.

"Well then, worries for another day for now you two have a job." Miss P said and I looked at the egg.

"How about Davis you let Bryan have both eggs to keep warm and you can help by bringing food and water to him so that he can keep the eggs warm." Polly suggested.

"Yes and I can work on an incubator for those two lovely babies." Miss P said

"Thank is there there a spot that I can be at?" I asked

"At the front. Patch of grass you can sit on it'll make it so you won't burn the ship." Miss P said and I nodded

We and Davis went to the front Polly pointed us in the direction and I sat down and Davis handed me the bright blue egg and I lit my body on fire.

"Your fine with this idea?" Davis asked.

"If they are kept warm I don't care. all I care about it keeping them as warm as possible." I said

"Alright." Davis said taking a seat besides me.

That tea actually is helping.

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