13: Into The Past

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*Viper's pov* (season 5)

Was I expecting this? No absolutely not and I especially didn't expect that kid to even get sucked in with me. I can understand why I got sucked in but still this ridiculous. I sighed as Jasper started to come to from that whole thing and looked around. Instinctively I sat up as soon as I saw the surroundings and the kid. I hugged the kid close once I grabbed him, but I was late to move as a gun was pointed at my head and a scythe was pulled out.

"Well this certainly wasn't in my book of things to happen today." Past Michael said yes Jasper is seeing all of them so I can most certainly tell this is the past.

Patrick is pointing his gun at my forehead, Michael has his scythe out Bren has his claws and past me and Colin are on opposite sides of each other but ready to attack.

"Mind putting the weapons down your going to scare the kid." I said coldly and everyone blinked in surprised. I looked down at the kid who was holding my lacrama crystal and it was glowing which meant a call. Perfect.

"Who are you?" Pat asked and I started getting up which made Pat move his gun

"Someone you honestly shouldn't be meeting. Patrick O'Connor." I said with a smirk and Pat blinked in surprise.

"What? I know all of you. Bren, Michael, Mitch, Colin.... it's weird saying that." I said holding the kid.

"How do you-" Pat started but Michael put his weapon away.

"Your one of those future people." Michael said and I looked at him and smiled.

"Oh so they are here." I said with a smile.

"Everyone put your weapons away and you. Your coming with us." Michael said

"....I don't think so." I said with a smirk

"What do you mean you don't think so?" Mitch asked with a growl and a attitude and I looked at him. God I forgot how angry I was back then

"This is the past. Well now an alternative past because we are here but the past non the less." I said as I stood up holding Damian. God as soon as I find Davis I'm dumping the kid on him.

Michael sighed as Bren backed up and Pat looked at them getting the hint and backed up from me. Other me was more reluctant and Bren pulled Colin away and I smiled

"Thanks I'll be taking my leave hopefully I won't have to see you again." I said backing up away from them as Damian looked up and held the crystal as someone answered.

"Hello? Viper is that you please tell me you have to kid as well." Allumos said and I smile and laughed

"Ya the kids holding the lacrama. Well Allumos you can tell everyone else that the lacrama works." I said as the other guild people

"Wait what!?" My other self yelled and I cracked a laugh before turning around and bolted running for the building entrance.

"Bye bye hope to not see you again!" I yelled as I slammed open the guild doors and ran out and started heading to Atlantide. Yes I got over the water gap fine

As I finally made it to the city I looked at the kid and the lacrama. I sighed before clearing my throat so that Allumos and possibly even Pat knew I was ready to talk.

"So stopped running?" Allumos asked and I sighed.

"Ya. I have the kid. He was insistent on looking for Davis." I said as Damian looked down a bit sad

"Hey don't give that look you were looking for someone you care about. Jeez don't be a downer kid." I said, I would roll my eyes but no one would see it. Plus I'm blind, not worth it.

"Well it's a good thing to know that the lacrama works if you get in contact with everyone else we can keep in touch with everything that goes on there and we'll give you reports on what progress me make here." Allumos said and Damian blinked at the crystal.

"Alright will do, I'll head out now, go tell the others about the lacrama." I said and Allumos said sure before the lacrama stopped glowing.

I looked at Damian who looked down before I set him down and he held the crystal before holding it out and I took it. I put it back where it was supposed to be and I stood up and started walk. I stopped and looked back at Damian and sighed and held out my hand and Damian noticed.

"Come on, you can't find Davis on your own." I said and Damian came over and took my hand and we started walking. If my nose is correct we are heading to were Davis and Bryan are which is where everyone else should be. Well let's go then.

*Pat's pov* (season 4)

I blinked in surprise, Mitch was questioning life at the moment and Michael sighed as he left and Bren followed him. I looked in his direction and then ran after him. They knew something they knew all along.

"Michael!" I called and he stopped and looked at me.

"If this is about the future people come to my office." Michael said and I looked at Mitch who finally moved coming over and Colin looked at all of us before finally coming over. We all got to the office and Michael sat down letting us ask the questions.

"How long have you known this, but never told us?!" Mitch asked pissed and Michael sighed

"Almost a week now. They are very recent they came around Bri's death which is a weird coincidence." Michael said and I waited

"You didn't both to tell us? Like every other secret you keep?" Mitch asked

"We aren't going there that's private talk." Michael said and I spoke up.

"Where you planning on telling us?" I asked

"How many are there?" Colin asked quickly after me

"As far as we know know.....7 but now 9." Michael said, that's a lot of people from the future. One or two makes sense but 9?

"Now as for when. I was planning on telling you guys when we confirmed that these people are good or bad judging from that one conversation they are good which means we don't have to feel threatened by them." Michael said and Mitch made a tsk crossing his arms.

I sighed and nodded understanding. We got some more questions answered before all of us left. Mitch seemed less angry at Michael then before and Colin and me are simply satisfied at the moment so I geuss all I can do is keep an eye out for people with cloaks, and a I guess now two blindfolded people.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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