9: Into The Past

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*Bryan's pov* (season 5)

The ship had moved with a sudden jolt and I hugged both eggs tightly and soon enough the sailing went smoothly.

Davis walked up to me and sat down and put the blanket he got over me and the eggs to make sure that if anyone tried to look or get onto the ship they wouldn't be able to identify me or see that I have dragon eggs.

I love Bri, I would love to trust her, but here I can only trust those I am close to. I'm close to Davis and the people on this ship. I think with Kay getting mad at Lo'pho and leaving the guild, Jakey showing up in my past with the truth about my parents, and even Lo'pho having favoritism for me when he brought Jakey in is just BS.

I sighed as I heard footsteps and I looked behind me to see Michael and Devin. The ship must be steady enough for them to walk around.

"Hey Bryan, hey Davis." Devin said coming and sitting down.

"What are you holding?" Michael asked and turned to the eggs.

"A gift from mine and Davis's dragons before they left us." I said shuffling around to face them and Devin looked shocked while Michael had the face of amusement.

"Well I won't get into details I can see why you out here and not inside." Michael said as he sat down.

"Wait there's two for them." Devin said

"Ya ones mine but I'm not much of a heat warmer." Davis said

"Makes sense. Now onto why me and Devin are here." Michael said and I looked at him curiously.

"What's up?" I asked

"Well as you can see Devin completely changed his outfit and well of course Eden is here being the blue eye." Michael said

"Hello." Eden said

"Anyways we thought everyone needs to be hidden. So new clothes for everyone. I've already been thinking about what I want, but I wanted to ask you guys to think about your hidding outfits. Bryan you especially if Davis doesn't want a change he doesn't have to, but you may need it." Michael said and I nodded.

"Excellent. Now I'm going to talk with Boat." Michael said getting up and Devin followed after him.

"Also Bryan good luck, you must be very patient to be able to keep those warm 24/7." Devin said before closing the door.

"Ya. I just hope that Miss Prenderghast will finish that incubator so that I don't have to do this 24/7 because even with this steady flow and training I can't hold the fire forever." I said.

"I'm assuming it's like a back and forth use up magic then recharge it a bit and then use more then what you recharged?" Devin asked

"Ya. That's basically it. The blanket helps with giving me more time to recharge my powers but I need to walk around eventually." I said and Michael nodded.

"Understandable." He said before he and Devin took their leave.

"You want something to eat?" Davis asked

"I want water."

*Lucas's pov* (season 5)

I mentally groaned I finally opened the door and walked out of the bedroom and I went upstairs into Miss P's office. She of course was sitting there messing around and I sighed as I walked up to her.

"Miss P? Where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere!" Miss P said as she got up and hung up a big cardboard board and started taking photos and stuck them in the board.

"You have no idea where we are going." I said and Miss P laughed

"Polly is steering the ship." Miss P said and I groaned knowing we are probably going to end up somewhere random if not just near somewhere else that close to Atlantide.

"Oh we're going to be doomed." I said and miss P poked my shoulder with a pushpin and I got startled by that before rubbing my shoulder.

"Have trust in Polly they know where they are going." Miss P said and I nodded I mean Polly's a phoenix parrot who can turn into a human.

"I'm going to see if we have anything in the kitchen." I said and miss P spoke.

"Lucas. Because we are in the past we can't be seen, but if one of us is seen all of us may have to show ourselves. However we must not let to much information on the future out otherwise it will change everything." Miss P said and I looked at her as they started sticking pictures on the board. The pictures from all four guild and I turned away before I started questioned any of them.

I went to make sure the kitchen was well stocked and then I heard the door upstairs open and Michael spoke to Miss P about the exact same thing I just asked and basically got the same answer. Soon I heard footsteps and Michael looked at me from the stairs.

"Lucas awesome we need to change your outfit." Michael said as Devin came down and I almost questioned who he was but then I recognized his hoody. It's red how could I forget it.

"Ok I'm assuming a hoody may be needed." I said and Michael nodded

"Devin has been thinking about outfits for everyone, but some people are choosing their own." Michael said

"Yup and I have yours right here." Devin said snapping his fingers and I was suddenly in new clothes. Black boots, baggy grey blue, a deep blue t-shirt, my normal blue with white stripe sash over the shirt as a ocean blue hoody covered my head.

"Wow. Not a huge change but still really comfortable." I said liking the outfit.

"Well the shirt covers up your guild mark which is good. I have a bandana over my ankle since I still have my old guild mark there I've been meaning to get rid of it." Michael said

"I've already put unremovable bandages over David's top chest to cover his guild mark since we know he'll strip regardless." Devin said and I snorted

"That's true." I said as I saw fingerless gloves over Devin's hands.

"I'm assuming those hide your guild mark?" I asked

"Oh ya they do." Devin said

"Well anyways Bryan and Davis are thinking about their outfits so when they have theirs we'll be safer to go out into Atlantide." Michael said and I nodded

"I'm just hoping we leave soon." I said looking at the ground.

"I know. I'm hoping we leave soon as well." Michael said and Galrin rolled her eyes inside me.

"... anyone hungry?"

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