3: Into The Past

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*David's pov* (season 5)

I groaned as I got up and tried to process everything. I looked around and I recognized this area and I almost cried when I realized I was in my beautiful flowers. I got out careful not to damage the ones I hadn't already damaged.

I looked around and found that it was our guild hall, but before Ritchie blew it to bits. I walked around However I stopped and hid when I heard voices, my voice mocking Mario.

I peaked over and saw that everyone was gathering at the docks a lot of people looked down and by that I mean they looked like they were going to attend..... A funeral. Bri.

Oh god now I get it, sure I can be idiotic at times, however I'm not that much of one like Inmo. I'm in the past, which doesn't fully surprise me seeing as this all happened because of Jakey. Time boi.

I sighed as I waited for them to leave before coming out. I feel like if I tried to make a ice walkway, and go across the sea that way, it would turn out bad because they would see the leftover ice, however at the same time...

Actually na, but I don't think anyone has noticed this, but I have a hood on my jacket thanks to Echeveria so I took it and pulled it over my head and walked into the Divinus Magia area. I don't want the locals to recognize me so I sped walked to the guild hall.

Actually now that I think about it raindrop also got dragged in here and we are currently in a time were raindrop hasn't even entered the picture here. I sighed then went and ventured all around the guild hall and the island and sure enough, no raindrop. Probably for the better.

I huffed as I sat in the garden until I heard the ringing bell of a returning ship. Was it really that late? I got up and went to the back of the island and found a spot behind a bunch of leaves and I sat down. Fortunately I grabbed food so sorry if your missing some, but I'm hungry.

I sighed as I thought about different things. I'll leave at night time when everyone is supposed to be asleep the ice will melt or break before anyone ever sees it. Good thing I didn't touch Mario's chair.....did I? No I mean if I did he would blame other me but.... Please tell me I didn't touch his chair.

*Lucas's pov* (season 5)

I groaned and I felt bubbles come from my mouth, so when I opened my eyes I realized I was underwater. I shook my head and swam up and took in an inhale of air before looking around the area I landed in. It was like a swamp, I must have landed in the deeper end.

I pushed myself out of the water and sure I was a bit wobbly because I just woke up, but I got on the water surface and walked to land.

Looking around I didn't quite recognize the area. Mountains? I walked twords them using the water to easily get up. I walked around but then froze when I saw a familiar but not friendly place. I gave a slight shaky breath before clenching my fists.

This was in the past, wait in the past.... Oh god we shouldn't even be here.

You ok boy??

"I'm fine Galrin just realizing we are somewhere we're not supposed to be at." I said in my head, before I felt a small surge of power and I knew my eyes changed color.

I want to see stuff so don't change them

"I won't but we need to get out of here...also your being surprisingly nice."

Don't make me want control

"I'm good plus as much as you may want to come out don't, I don't want to mess up the past."

Being here in general is messing it up.

"I know it is, but if I don't interact with people then I won't have problems."

Say that to the time mage behind you.

"Wait what?" I said out loud before I turned around to see blue hair and purple eyes before I got whacked and I fell. I groaned as I shook my head but before I could do anything I felt another hard crack and I was out.

*Devin's pov* (season 5)

I looked around from where I was and I didn't recognize the area until I walked around and found the city of Atlantide however I'm looking at Grimshade and it's different look then the Grimshade I know today. It looked like it's past self.

"Well isn't this interesting." Eden said

"That rift must have sent us through some kind of time backtrack." I said

"Were in the past yes, which means you may want to temporarily change your color and style." Eden said and I was about to question him before it clicked. Right I look like Eden the one they all hate.

"Your quick to think." Eden said before I change my colors of Blue.

"What-....those are my colors!" Eden fussed as I gave a proud look

"Exactly. They know you by my colors so I'll use yours so they don't identify me." I said

"You still look like me you know." Eden remarked

"You and me are the same person of course we look exactly the same." I said and Eden chuckled.

"Whatever but don't expect me to go away I want to see all this." Eden said

"One red one blue eyes and a blue outfit a bit different then the one your wearing today...yup I can work with this." I said pulling up my hoodie.

"Just find someone you know." Eden said

"What do you think I'm trying to do." I said

"Hmm." Eden hummed before going silent I can feel him still there as I made my way down the mountain and twords Atlantide. I'm purposely avoiding Grimshade because I know for sure that Michael will identify me immediately. He knows me more then anyone else. I mean we are brothers.

I sighed as I walked. I made some donuts as I walked and ate. Despite our difference both me and Eden can agree. Donuts are number one.

*Davis's pov* (season 5)

I woke up by people talking and I looked down to see everyone gathering I saw them in their outfits and thought of a funeral. Then I realized ya that's what it was. I got up and blinked further away from everyone.

Dragonslayers were in that group and I don't need them sniffling me out. I looked down and realized the egg was getting colder then I want it to be so I sensed for Bryan and I got two different ones fortunately I identified my Bryan by his bigger aura.

I blinked to him and found him on fire with a person next to him. I would say I blinked at them but I can't blink if my face is always covered.

"Umm..." I started and the person pointed to the campfire.

"Ok thanks but who are you?" I asked putting the egg in the fire which calmed me down a bit as it's bright glow started to return.

"Polly. I'm a part of the Divinus Magia guild although I am usually seen as a parrot." Polly said

"Oh the fire breathing bird." I said

"Correct." Polly said before she blew more Fire at Bryan.

"Is he going to wake up?" I asked.

"Not anytime soon maybe tomorrow but that depends, he's tired and his magic is low." Polly said

"Alright." I said sitting down next to my egg.

"Also once Bryan wakes up we need to meet up at the airship I know you won't like it but it's the only place we can all gather without interfering with the outside." Polly said

"Alright as long as I can keep my duty's keeping the egg in hot fires. It needs to incubate after all." I said and Polly nodded

Wake up soon Bryan I don't want to get caught

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