12: Into The Past

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*Viper's pov* (season 5)

So identifying everyone and thing that got pulled into the time rifts it's safe to assume that some could still be active at the current moment seeing as one rift keeps showing up in the middle of the meeting area where all this happened at. Everyone's been trying to decide if one of us need to go in with a communication lacrama because last time we tried to throw something in there and pull it back with rope the rope got cut off so it's like a one way thing.

However just in case, everyone has a lacrama to keep in touch with one another just in case one of the rifts opened near one of our guilds. I groaned as I got up and grabbed my scythe and walked out of my room. I passed Allumos's room and opened the door. Allumos looked up from the paperwork which he was doing with Pat.

"You need something Viper?" Allumos asked

"I'm heading out for a bit. Telling you since you requested it." I said and Pat smiled

"Really do appreciate it. Remember to keep in touch alright." Pat said and I nodded before leaving.

I walked out into town and I paused looking at the guilds meet up area. A rift hasn't opened in a couple of days as far as anyone knows and it's been like what.... 4 days maybe even 5 or 6 days. I sighed before seeing an elderly and a child looking at the area I walked over to them.

"This place is closed off for a temporary time." I said and the woman looked at me.

"Oh I know I was just heading home just Damian wanted to pass by seeing as this was were Davis was before he went missing." She said

"Are you Davis's guardian?" I asked

"You could say that I've been watching over Davis and Damian. Damien was found by Davis and taken in off the streets." She said and I nodded

"Well if you guys could leave I have some patrol stuff to do here." I said and she nodded taking Damian's hand

"Oh ya the names Betty it's so nice to see you making sure that no one else goes missing until all of this is resolved." Betty said and I nodded as she left.

*3rd person*

Viper couldn't imagine how much trouble he would be getting into during this patrol. Damian when Betty got back home with him wrote a note and showed it to Betty.

"I want to go with him. I want to see if Davis will come back please Betty?" Damian wrote and Betty looked at it

"You've been asking me that for a while....sigh. I can't really stop you but young man you stay with a grown adult alright. Your stubborn and I know I won't be able to convince you but if your out and about you better not get into a lot of trouble or be of trouble. Stubborn and insist like Davis." Betty said

Damian looked at Betty and smile before grabbing more paper and pencils and put it in a small bag and ran to the door with his stuffed animal.

"Please be home before sun down and make sure you avoid any bad people. Davis always knew how to take care of you with that magic he has." Betty said and Damian nodded opening the door and closed it and started running. He practiced a blink every now and then but soon enough he got to where Viper was and started to follow him from a small distance.

Viper heard small footsteps but didn't think much about it as he patrolled the area. However as the feet still followed he finally looked behind him and saw Damian.

"Kid this isn't a place for you. Leave" Viper said Damian pulled out paper and wrote.

"I want to get Davis back." Damian wrote and Viper groaned

"You might want him back but you can't help leave this to people who can actually handle this." Viper said continuing to walk but Damian followed

"Ugh kid just go back home!" Viper yelled and Damian got frightened and backed up holding the paper close but his expression changed and he quickly pointed behind Viper and Viper looked behind him. Viper quickly fumbled to grab the communication lacrama but right as he grabbed it he felt a pull and the lacrama dropped to the ground as Viper yelled getting pulled in.

Damian looked at the crystal and picked it up and looked at the rift. Davis should be beyond it and Damian held the crystal right before running into the rift. 30 minutes later the rift closed, Viper and Damian now gone however communication is not lost thankfully.

Night fell and Betty got worried and went out and called for Damian eventually getting to where Damian said he was going to be at. Betty saw a few other guild people around and when they saw her they asked what was wrong and she mentioned Damian missing and they frowned.

"So the rift this time took two people. Viper and Damian...I'm sorry ma'am that this comes as unfortunate news." Allumos said and Betty looked down crying.

"Hey don't worry all of us, especially Jakey the guild leader of the protectors guild is looking into this we all want people back." Pat said comforting Betty before Flurry took over and started walking with Betty back to the house.

Allumos sighed looking at the lacrama in his hands, the sound of a clatter had come from it earlier and Allumos and Pat came over as soon as possible. They saw the rift closing it was small now, they couldn't go through it themselves maybe an animal but no. It wasn't long until the rift fully closed.

Flurry took care of Betty while Allumos and Pat went to each guild and told them everything. Jakey felt guilty and Pat helped comfort with Kay and a few other members that had joined the guild.

Eventually Allumos and Pat walked back to their office only to find their lacrama glowing. They picked it up and answered them. Who was calling them at this time? Was it Flurry give a report on Betty? When Pat and Allumos answered who was on the other line surprised them.

"Hello? Viper is that you please tell me you have to kid as well." I said and I heard a laugh

"Ya the kids holding the lacrama. Well Allumos you can tell everyone else that the lacrama works." Viper said and I smiled

"Wait what!?"

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