6: Into The Past

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*Eden's pov* (season 4)

I looked at this person in front of me. Jakey apparently saw them watching the island so I'm happy to have them physically here instead of per-say out and about. I would hate to have anyone spilling where I am.

"So what are you going to do with them?" Jakey asked

"I'm not sure I mean we are going to be meeting with Jonathan much later today he says that once he's got everything set up for he guilds we can come over while they are busy with their own things." I said leaving. The boys not going to be leaving any time soon seeing as....

Well let's just say Jakey did a excellent job at hitting them across the head. Actually it was bleeding for a bit I bet that left a concussion. I chuckled at the thought before clearing my throat and walked out. Like I said they aren't going to be leaving soon, the mana chains will hold him here for a while.

I walked out and Jakey went to his own room and I went to my garden and tended to it until it was time to deal with Jonathan.

Don't get me wrong the old man's nice to have as an ally but at the same time if I had the chance. Well I wouldn't mind slitting his throat.

I walked out and Jakey joined me as I made my platform moved to Atlantide. When we got to our destination I noticed the out of the ordinary airship that just seems to be there.

I wanted to check it out however, I'm needed to attend this meeting so I put it on as a bucket list things to do possibly afterwards. I walked with Jakey down into the secret layer and soon enough we got to Jonathan and...two other people.

"Ah Eden, Jakey welcome welcome, come in don't be strangers." Jonathan said and I sighed.

"Sure can we make this quick I have things I want to do." I said coming in.

"Oh? Like what?" One of the people said

"Well walking in here I saw an airship and I want to see what it is about." I said

"Oh that ya I know the guild leaders wanted to talk about that but Bri's death was sudden." Jonathan said

"Wait Bri died?" Jakey asked

"Ya couple days ago was the funeral and today people have to have their match ups." Jonathan said

"Besides that, can we introduce I don't think I know these two here." I said pointing and the two

"Oh well....we are, well this worlds Brandon and Ritchie. Those other two are damn imposters of us and we want them gone." Ritchie said

"I see.....can I give you nicknames?" I asked thinking of a couple.

"Depends." Ritchie said

"What are they?" Brandon asked

"Brandeen and Rian." I said smiling and the two looked at each other.

"They are very similar but not the same as our imposter selves." Brandon said

"I like it. Sure you can call us that." Rian said

"Wow looks like you guys are getting along great." Jonathan said

"Yes. Indeed now Jonathan can we get forward with this meeting." I asked

"Yes yes. So as you know I haven't had a set time for the attack and now I do so I wanted to call you guys together now only for you guys to meet each other but to tell you when we attack." Jonathan said and I smiled.

"Oh do tell." Jakey said

"Well we are going to be having the first rounds soon. Now if we tried to attack on the first one then it may cause some huge backlash so I'm thinking let the first two rounds go nicely but when the third one comes we'll hit them hard. By then I'll have everything I want all set up." Jonathan said

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