7: Into The Past

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*Michael's pov* (season 4)

The first event had started and right now we were checking Bri's house for wool However now we are all standing next to a burn spot and a camp fire.

"Who was at my house while I was gone!" Bri half yelled and Brandon sighed and Ritchie looked like he was thinking things through.

"Whoever was here was here recently these embers are fresh." I said

"More importantly why does that one look like someone could have been laying there?" Silver asked and I looked at it a bit longer and realized ya it is like looking at a person laying on their side most likely holding something or....ya no I'm not saying my second idea.

"More reason to have that meeting." Ritchie said

"You know something?" Silver asked

"Yes but we'll tell you while we look for wool I would hate to miss out on the games." Brandon said and I agreed while we walked together to find wool.

"So after we came back from the funeral we came into the guild hall and apparently Mario smelled someone in his seat. Apparently it smelled like David but David had been with us this entire time and even before so there was no way it was David but we think otherwise." Ritchie said

"You think doubles are running around?" Bri asked

"Possibly but the thing is we think this possible other David is stronger then ours and has better control over his magic." Brandon said

"Might have more ties with the rifts that made that airship come into the picture." I said

"Exactly. That is something we'll need to investigate later on." Ritchie said

"Right...." Silver said trailing off

"I have a feeling that these people are people we should keep distance from we don't know were they come from and for all we know could be a result of time travel. I'm only thinking this because Bri you have a time mage in the protectors right?" I asked

"Yup. Jakey if I remember correctly." Bri said

"Alternative or future selves then." Brandon said

"Most likely." I said before we finally found the last wool.

"Well then we'll confirm this all later. Let's go see our match ups." Ritchie said and we all went back to the main area.

*Boat's pov* (season 5)

I know what kind of situation I've gotten myself into. I absolutely hate it but you know as long as I don't do anything rash I'll be fine.

"You do realize if I took control we could easily get out of here." Galrin said and I sighed

"I'm not going to let you have control. Not here. If we are in the past I want to know when before we even think of showing anything off." I whispered seeing as there is a guard guarding me.

"...I want time for all the time I lose for not being able to take control." Galrin said

"Ok...does an hour for a day sound nice? It adds up if we spend like months here." I whispered but when the guard looked at me I looked at em with a glare, I know I still have golden eyes, but I'm not changing that any time soon. The guard looked away quickly and stiffened up.

"3 hours per day." Galrin said and I thought about it.

"....fine 3 hours as long as you never take control while we are here." I said before I heard foot steps.

I looked up to see non other then the man himself, Eden. Jakey right next to him, lovely.

I can hit them.

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