4 ᥴꫝ

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Jungkook smile at just a mare thought of you. He turned the steering wheel taking his expensive car to the left lane.

The dark forest giving him complete late night trip feels as the night was dark exact at midnight.

Blasting his fast driven car as he singed along just thinking about you.

He slapped his face trying not to be distracted. He was his way back home after three-two hours he spent at his own club being played by sluts all around him begging to get his hands on them.

But he wasn't the Jungkook he was before he didn't wanted any hands around him he just wanted a warmness so beautiful he get lost...

A warmness so sweet he levitate....

A warmness so lovely he never wake up......

He wanted her~

The one who lost him....

The one who hid him inside her heart.....

He was smirking imagining you playing him.....

Pleasuring him....

Holding him.....

But his eyes widened when he saw a white attired frame standing in mid the dark forest.

He pulled his brake at instant just an inch closer to the girl's death.

Her head hit the car as she fell back on the coal rough road.

He knew it was his fault so he opened the door of his seat and ran towards the girl outside.

He gulped before clutching down. If she was dead then he was destined to spend the rest of his life in prison.

His shaky hands stretched to the figure's face which was forbidden to be seen by her black silky locks.

Removing the hairs off her face,his eyes eyes widened as his breathing accelerated.

Huh?? You?? Hey!! Wake up!! Open your eyes!!!! He somehow felt a wierd anxiety settling whithin him.

He picked her up bridal style as he sat on the driver seat with the girl who locked his mind on his lap.

The one he's been dreaming about was with him but like this??

He geared up faster his car as his breaths waved up and down feeling anxiety.

His messed up mind straightened when her hot breath fan over his neck calming him down.

He gulped when her unconscious hands slipped to his crotch. Feeling already turned on he cursed under his breath for his damn reflex.

He removed her hand and that's when her head was about to jerk back so he had to tilt his neck gripping her head in.

And her plump cold lips came contact with his warm tensed neck as his eyes closed for while feeling the addictive lips.

That's when he heard a loud honk and he broke out of trance taking control of his car and she mumbled a moan maybe due to pain just to increase his problem.

He was already feeling hot and sweaty.

What was he suppose to do in a situation like this???

His blank pervert mind just kissed her juicy lips still trying to keep his focus on the road but her addictive lips ain't letting that happen.

He moved his hips making your ass grind over him as he moaned loud.

Infinity (𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽) 21+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora