32 ᥴꫝ

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Ji ho. All he could hear was Ji-ho. All he could see was Ji-ho.

Ji-ho here, Ji-ho there. His daughter, his baby. And the information of Ji-ho's existence defined Y/N's too.

Yes her betrayal hurts but not more than her absence. Yes, he called Jungkook a fool for going mentally sick after Y/N's and Taehyung's disappearance but he too wasn't a bit less than mental too.

Jimin had a candid picture of Ji-ho and a silhouette of a man, blur but a brother's heart would know his brother. It was Taehyung along.

The first time in years he shed tears. He swore not to cry. He swore not to grieve. He knew his family was alive but he didn't knew where to find them.

All he could do was beg and plead God to bless him with his family. Fuck Y/N being a spy. Was she even one?

If she was and if she really wanted to kill them all. She had all her chances. Jungkook was famous and the whole world knew in which asylum he spent his years.

Jimin although, was famous in darkworld but a spy would know everything, especially related to the mafia world.

Whereas Taehyung? He was still alive and caught along Ji-ho. He was alive and seem contented playing with Ji-ho.

They had a family all these years? How can she be a spy?

"Ughhhhhh. Fuck lord. Just forgive me and give me my
Y/N and family back." Jimin pulled his hair out of frustration meanwhile the bodyguards saw all of it with a nervous smile.

The tension was thick and awkward between the queued men. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" Jimin threw his chair and stomped his feet. How the fuck is he so stupid??

He lived alone all this years without even Y/N betraying them??? Like for real???

Thankfully a guy walked in excusing the mafia King from his little frustrated corner.

"Umm Sir? Mr. Jungkook is here." As the guy says so. Jimin snaps his neck at him with his nose flaring and eyes red. "Send him in!!" He shouted on top of his lungs and smashed the keyboard on the floor.

"Umm hyung?" Jungkook timidly walks in with a grin. The men now look at Jungkook.

A raging angry bird smashing everything around and whining like a kicked dog and a goofy puppy who looks proud after biting the neighbourhood old lady, grinning like an idiot.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhh" Jimin smashed the computer beside and a man's leg making him scream and jump into the arms of the man beside him.

Jungkook squeeled and hit one of the bodyguard's arm. The man cleared his throat and kept his emotionless face beside the bone crushing pain in his arm.

The rest of the queued men look at both of their bosses. Acting wierd as hell. By the second Jungkook calmed down, Jimin was standing on the top of the desk putting bullets into the keyboard below him.

"Hyung!!!!!!" Jungkook called out to his older brother finally out of his trance as the sounds of bullets echoed around, sweating the men.

Jimin looked up at Jungkook with rage in his eyes, accidentally shooting at the wall behind Jungkook, just an inch beside the head of the guy still in the arms of the other bodyguard.

They gulped.

"Wait.... Jungkook?" Jungkook looked at his brother with a straight face. So all along he was being ignored? "Yes?" He spoke in the 'duh' tone.

"What's going....on?" The younger asked pointing at Jimin standing on the table with his gun still pointed at the poor keyboard...... well barely a keyboard now.

Infinity (𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽) 21+Where stories live. Discover now