Belated Birthday

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How are you holding up? Last we saw of you you got hit by dr fate.

-Emergency Contact -
I'm okay. Fate as it seems helped the healing process along. I suppose I have Aqualad to thank for that.

Batman was disappointed that the villains got away, but somehow convinced the league that you specifically weren't a threat. Most of the individuals have been arrested from what I hear.

-Emergency Contact-
That's good to know. My job was only to put them back in their respective cities. Getting arrested is on them. But good to know the great Batman sees me as a pawn instead of a threat. He'll have to not share this with J or he'll use it to his advantage.

How do you mean?

-Emergency Contact-
My pockets are quite versatile. I'd hate for J to give an order to send someone to space, or the bottom of the ocean. Pretty sure I can open a pocket inside someone, but I've never tried.

Gruesome thought.

-Emergency Contact-
Tell me about it.

So I had a question about the injustice league.

-Emergency Contact-
Ask away. I can try and answer but I may not have the specifics.

Robin said they were all heavy hitters, who is their respective hero?

-Emergency Contact-
J and Ivy are two of Batman's many many badguys.
Black Adam is one of Marvels bad guys.
Wotan fights Fate more often than not.
Atomic Skull and Ultra Humanite are Superman's bad guys.
And the Count is one of Green Arrow and Canary's bad guys, but he probably won't get arrested since he has diplomatic immunity.

So he gets away with a free pass?

-Emergency Contact-
If you think about it the heroes have a free pass too. How many buildings has Superman knocked down trying to apprehend a bad guy, or even Batman? How many of his bad guys are in the ICU after one of their fights?

I guess I hadn't thought of it like that.

-Emergency Contact-
Most heroes hide behind the word justice when it comes to injuries or property damage and the blame for it gets shifted to the bad guys. Not saying they don't do their own damage, it's just the heroes aren't faultless.

You've thought a lot on this haven't you?

-Emergency Contact-
One of my many talents is looking up information. Law has been one of them to find loopholes for J.

Speaking of talents, you play guitar?

-Emergency Contact-
Yeah, I've been learning. Felix has been teaching me. He says I'm pretty good.

Sounds accurate. Could do with a little less volume though.

-Emergency Contact-
Was that a joke?

I guess.
Ms. M would like to know who I'm texting, can I tell her?

-Emergency Contact-
I have an idea. Meet me at the same rock as last time I'm about three hours. I have something I need to grab, but bring her with you.


Almost three and a half hours later and Jess walked out of one of her pockets to be greeted by an impatient Kryptonian and an equally irritated Martian.

"Sorry for the wait. Had to clean up a bloody nose." Jess said as she dusted off her hands.

"You okay?" Conner asked slightly concerned. She didn't have any bruising.

"Just overestimated my ability getting you a present." At this he was confused and Ms. M looked almost jealous. "Both of you. As a congratulations type thing."

"Congratulations on what?" Ms. M was confused and it was almost awkward in the atmosphere around the small group.

"I haven't had a friend in a long time and had thought of ways to keep one should I find one. Gifts was one of my ideas." Jess pulled out two rocks from one of her pockets. "As Conner knows, I can make traveling pockets, I got a rock from Mars and a rock from the debris of Krypton. This way you always have a piece of each other even if you are separated on the field or on separate missions."

They both just stared at the respective rocks with unreadable expressions. Jess was starting to get nervous the longer the silence went on.

"Sorry it's kinda dumb isn't it. I can get you something else, I know where there's a diamond mine and can get you something a little more fancy if that's to your liking. Or food. There's a really nice place in Austria that has-" Jess was cut off by the hug Ms. M surprised her with. Slightly panicked Jess froze up and blanked.

"I love it!" Ms. M's exclamation shocked Jess out of her frozen state and she looked to Conner who had a happyish expression.

"It's a good gift. We just didn't realize you could get something from our native planets." Conner said as he looked the rock in his hand over.

"Strictly speaking your native planet is earth. But given more than half your dna is Kryptonian it only makes sense to get something from Krypton. It was just further than I've tried reaching before." This got a chuckle out of him.

"Any big plans we should worry about?" Conner asked almost to humor her. Jess looked down in thought.

"Nothings coming to mind at the moment. Everything's been a little quiet since the injustice league made their little show." Jess said. Conner nodded and Ms. M was busy admiring her relic.

"Since they revealed themselves could you tell us who the mole is?" Conner asked almost hopeful. Jess shrank a little.

"The injustice league isn't the group pulling the strings. I can't tell you without having serious repercussions. I'm sorry."

"Can you tell me who they're targeting. We can see about getting them protection." Conner asked and Jess shook her head.

"They'll find the protection suspicious and go after him regardless." She snapped her head up with a wide eyed expression. "I almost forgot." She pulled a small trinket from her pocket. "It's encased in lead so it shouldn't effect you. But I was able to find you some platinum kryptonite. According to sources it'll permanently give humans Kryptonian powers, but I'm unsure if it'll work since you're already part Kryptonian. But Happy Birthday. Or late birthday." Conner took the gift but Jess grabbed his hand. "You don't need to be Superman. This is just a gift. Besides I kinda like you better only part Kryptonian, I'm sure your girlfriend does too."

"Thank you. I'll be sure and keep it safe." Jess' phone went off, interrupting their conversation.

"That'll be J. He's likely wondering where I am. I'll see you around?"


"Before you leave, can I have your name? You helped us in Bell Reve but they only called you Jester."

"Probably for the best. Robin doesn't take kindly to me and if he finds out we're friendly he might take that anger out on you."

"I'm sure he'll come around given time."

"He's had four years. I don't think it'll happen any time soon if at all. He only sees the mask and I'm fine with that. Just keep it under wraps though? J won't like it if word gets out that I'm friends with you guys."

"Alright." She seemed disheartened but didn't look like she'd talk.

"Catch you next time. I'll try and inform you of any major plans, but I only hear so much." Jess walked through one of her pockets as the heroes went back to their home.

Conner stared at his birthday present and decided he'd put it away for now. He'd pull it out if the need ever arose.

Megan had both their congratulatory gifts and said she'd make something with them, turns out her matter shifting worked well on the rock and she made matching rings that would fit the both of them. With the left over rock she decided a friendship bracelet would work just fine as a thank you present in return for the kindness Jester had shown them. Even if she helped the villains get away.

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