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Ghost accompanied Kaldur to their partners labs to assess their progress. Her helmet stayed on and she remained quiet as they walked through the halls.

"Your ship is most impressive ambassador. As are your people."

"We call ourselves the reach. And these are our labs." The ambassador led them down a turn in the hall to an automatic door. "Most dedicated to researching the human meta gene." Ghost faltered in her step for a split moment but was able to cover it up. Neither of the two seemed to notice.

"Meta Gene?" Ghost had to glance at Kaldur. Did he not know that is what it's called?

"A genetic marker indicating the potential of an individual human to survive catastrophic physical trauma by adapting new abilities." Ghost bit her tongue. It was a good thing she was following behind them.

"In other words, ambassador, the meta gene allows certain humans to develop superhuman powers." The ambassador didn't answer Kaldurs question. Ghost made sure to appear passive or at least unreadable. This reach ambassador was displaying some significant red flags.

"Kaldur-ahm, this is the scientist in charge of all meta gene research." From what little she could tell this new alien was female.

"I understand you are responsible for providing several of our test subjects. Gratitude." Kaldur started walking so Ghost followed, making sure to keep note of all the ones in the pods being experimented on. Only two she recognized though, Shimmer and Lagoon boy. "I assume it would interest you that in this lab we are attempting to isolate the meta gene by stimulating-"

Ghost tuned out their conversation in favor of using her helmet to map out the ship. The electric crackle pulled her mind away from her task though. She couldn't help but stare at the device as it shocked the poor teen. Luckily it didn't seem to wake him. Them moving to another door caused Ghost to snap out of her trance and follow, scratching her neck as she did so.

"Now in this lab-" Ghost stayed lurking in the door way with balled up hands. The sound of the electricity as well as the pained noises from the kids trapped in the pods threw her mind back to the warehouse. Kaldur had to pull her back as they were led to another door. The lead scientist going behind it and leaving the others in the hall.

"Blue beetle is unaccounted for. I assume he is inside this third lab."

"That particular lab does not concern you or your masters the light." Another immediate red flag that snapped Ghost back to the present. These aliens were using a child for their own personal experiments.

They continued walking down the hall and away from the third lab. Ghost made sure to mark it on her map as a place to go back to when the time was right. They continued walking as the two men chatted about the science and things they did on ship.

They had made it to a docking bay of sorts and Ghost noticed more pods that were being brought in.  Again committing faces to memory she came across two that were familiar.

'Guess that's the reason for the show of pain at mount justice. Kaldur planted a tracer on Lagoon boy and now the jr league is here. But how many?' The group of pods was wheeled away and Ghost stayed between Tigress and Kaldur. An alarm was triggered and Ghost looked around. 'Stupid kids. They're gonna get themselves killed.' She glanced at Kaldur before heading back to where Tigress was.

"Hold your position trooper." Tigress ordered a rogue soldier as he moved forward. He grabbed her arm and threw her down the hall then proceeded to take out the other troopers that were with them. Ghost had been out in the hall she hid out of sight in a pocket and watched as the trooper took his helmet off to reveal Conner. She ran to find Kaldur and found him passing another hall. She stepped out of her pocket just in time to hear Megan.

Acting quickly she stepped in front of Kaldur and opened a pocket from his consciousness into her own. She watched as Megan's eyes turned green and had to put more energy into her pull. Megan ended up in her head instead of Kaldurs.

"What is this?" Megan asked as she looked around the dark mind space. A faint ticking could be heard.

"Stop it! Just save yourself. You won't be able to get us both out."

"Jess?" Her whisper was shaky but she flew closer to the sound, a decrepit looking warehouse came to light.

"I'm not going to leave you behind. So get your ass in gear."

"Jason!" She sounded a little more tearful this time.

"I didn't want you to see this. But it was the only way to spare Kaldur."

"Jess?" Megan looked around but didn't see anything. The ticking stopped and the building exploded.

"Gotta get you out of here." The voice was faint and almost wet sounding. A vehicle was approaching. "Batman's here to rescue you little bird." The breath was labored and a beam shifted. Megan looked through the wreckage and found an almost unconscious Jess trapped under a burning beam with a fried inhibitor collar on. "Save him, please." Her voice was getting faint as a tear cleaned a streak through the ash on her cheek.

"Jess I'm right here, I can help you."

"It's just a memory Megan. You can't help her."

"Show me where you are. I need to see you." Megan stood up and the memory blew away like a pile of ash.

"If I let go of my hold you'll lobotomize Kaldur. I can't allow you to do that."

"He killed Artemis!" Megan was getting angry.

"Did he though?" She faltered at this. "Did you hold her lifeless body in your arms? Did you check her injury?"

"There was blood on her suit."

"Was there a puncture though?"

"I-I don't recall." Megan found herself in another memory.

"You aren't the hero anymore."

"I know that."

"Then stop acting like one. That kind of behavior lands you in a building set to blow, as an 'unfortunate accident.'. Your family and team members will all be after Kaldur now. I hope you both know what you're getting into."

"Artemis? She's alive?"

"For now if you don't blow her cover."

"Jess please, we need you back. I need to see you." Megan seemed more tearful now.

"There isn't much to see." Assorted images lit up the area like camera flashes. Bits of memory old and current. "I've become a shell now and am following orders. You should get off this boat though. I have a feeling things aren't going to go to plan." With that Megan was thrown out of her head and the two fell to the floor. Megan in shock and Ghost unresponsive. Blood had dripped out of her helmet.

'What have you done?' Kaldur asked telepathically as he checked over Jess's vitals.

"No. It can't be true." Was all she mumbled as beast boy shifted into a tiger and went to attack. Tigress showed up out of no where and threw down a smoke pellet.

"I'll take mine, you take yours. And count yourself lucky boy."

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