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'This is the dumbest decision I could have ever made.' Dick thought to himself as he split off from Bruce to gain Jesters attention. Bruce was busy with goons so he went after Jester by himself since they hadn't seen any sign of Joker yet.

He turned a corner and glanced around, she had just come this way but now she's gone?

"An unusual display of behavior little bird." He won't admit it but he jumped slightly when she spoke.

"Had to get your attention somehow." He had to be careful. This was a villain under the tutorage of Joker. She was unpredictable.

"You wanted my attention? I'm flattered." She stalked out of the shadow she was hiding in and he noticed how small she was. She might even be around his age if he had to guess.

He pulled out a picture of Jess that had Jesters blue shoes in the background.

"I hate asking but I need your help." This earned him a head tilt from Jester. He handed the photo over and was surprised at the gentleness she took it with.

"Who is this? And why are you bringing her to me?" Jester looked up at him from the photo.

"This is a dear friend of mine that's gone missing. I need your help finding her since you've seen her. Those are your shoes in the background." She looked back at the photo again.

"I believe this was taken two years ago. How long has she been missing?" Dick bit his lip not wanting to admit the answer out loud.

"Five years." He saw Jester stutter in her movements before hearing a slight laugh.

"Five years? And this little brat is a dear friend of yours?" He held his tongue. She was right after all, what kind of friend was he if Jess had been missing for five years and he didn't even know. "What happened, you two have a falling out? Must have been something dramatic for you not to have noticed her being gone."

"That's none of your business."

"Touchy subject. Guess you got mad at her and pushed her away. You must really feel guilty about that to get my help." She laughed a bit and Dick had to use every ounce of restraint to not tackle her.

"Can you help me or not?" She quieted down to a soft giggle, if she wasn't a villain he might have thought it was cute.

"What would I get out of this arrangement young detective? Joker finds out I'm looking for his pet he might just hurt everyone around him including your 'dear friend'."

"So you know where she is?" He was almost a little too hopeful that he would get a location tonight.

"Yes and no. J likes to keep his toys on a short leash, even when he's locked up they don't get to go very far."

"Don't call her that. She's not a toy."

"You are really oblivious when it comes to J and his fun aren't you. Once he has you in his grasp he plays until you're broken." She pulled up part of her sleeve to reveal fresh cuts as well as healing scars. "I know first hand how he gets. If your friend was so important to you, you should have looked for her when she went missing."

He kept silent. He could feel the guilt eating him alive, but he was trying now wasn't he?

"I'm looking now aren't I?"

"It might be too late."

"She's not dead. Or at least she wasn't a week ago." Jester stopped him by handing the picture back.

"Maybe not physically, but mentally she might as well be. Being trapped by Joker for an extended period of time will destroy any sanity you have."

"You aren't insane."

"I know how to control it, that's besides the point little bird. Your friend, she is not going to be the same person you remember."

"I know that." He did. He told himself he wouldn't care so long as he could just get Jess back, he'd get her the help she needed. He needed her back in his life. He needed to apologize and let her know that it wasn't her fault his family died. "I just need her back. She doesn't belong there. Please. Help me." Jester stared at him with a frown on her painted face.

"You don't know what you're asking." She sighed and turned away slightly. "If I somehow find where she is and potentially get her out, Joker would kill us." He looked down.

"Could you find her for me? I'll worry about getting her out." She huffed.

"You're cute you know that? You don't care if I get hurt so long as you get your girl. Not very heroic if you ask me." He went quiet again. He knew asking Jester wasn't a good idea. "I'll do it on one condition." He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"What's the condition?" He was unsure what she would ask him.

"Seal the deal with a kiss." That was not what he was expecting, then again he should have suspected it would be something so unordinary coming from Jester. "Just one on the lips, doesn't have to be a long one either. Just prove to me how committed you are to finding your friend."

Dick weighed his choices. He could walk away and try finding Jess on his own to save his pride and not kiss this villain, or he could suck it up and give a small peck to find Jess again. He sighed and decided he needed the help. He owed it to Jess to at least do all he could. Its not like he hadn't kissed a girl before, his first kiss was with Jess. Accidental of course but it felt nice, there's been others too so a small kiss shouldn't be that big a deal. He steeled his resolve and leaned in for a kiss. He closed his eyes so he didn't have to see. Unfortunately the kiss lasted a bit longer than he had originally thought it would. Something felt off, and maybe a bit familiar but he couldn't place it.

"I did what you asked now will you-" his words started to get slower as his world seemed to blur. "What-"

"Shh little bird." She caught him as he was falling forward. "It's for your own safety. Go to sleep, I'll look for your friend." Just as things went dark he vaguely saw her pull out a phone.

When Dick woke up he was in the cave. He shot up and looked around confused.

"Calm down Dick. You're safe."

"What happened?"

"That's what I'd like to know. I got a notification from Gordon that you were at the harbor. Unanimous tip. Jester was there and said you needed to go home. I'd like to know why you were there and not on patrol like you were supposed to be." Dick looked down at his lap.

"I need help finding someone and I don't think she'll be in the computers. She's been missing for five years and wasn't reported missing. Jester is my best chance of finding her since I believe she's being held by Joker." Dick admitted. He had learned a while ago he couldn't keep secrets from Bruce.

"What makes you think she's with Joker?"

"I got photographs from Haly. He's been kept informed of her condition twice a year. Some of the pictures have the Harbor in them. One of them had Jesters shoes in the background." Dick went to grab the picture out of his pocket and didn't feel it. He started patting his other pockets. "You don't have a picture do you?"

"Unfortunately no. Jester kept it, said she needed it for a project. Do you have any idea how dangerous your actions were?" And here comes the lecture, Dick tuned him out just enough to think a little. Was it actually Jester who called to have him picked up?

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