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There's fire. Everywhere.

Artemis is coughing with the amount of smoke before Megan steps in front of her.

"This isn't real Artemis. But if you allow the illusions to hurt you, your mind could suffer real damage. Permanent damage."

"Right we're in Jess' head." She looked around at the wreckage. "Her very messed up head."

A child's laughter echoed through the flames, one both found oddly similar to Robin's.

"Is it supposed to be like this?"

"I don't know. Jess is like a stranger to me now."

The two walked through the flames before coming across a circus tent. There were lights inside, red and blue. They entered the tent and looked around inside, but it was pitch black.

A spotlight directed their attention to the rafters, a little girl in a shiny green costume was swinging from the rope without a care.

"She's real pretty isn't she?" They both turned and found Joker standing next to them looking up at the child.


"Grab a seat, the shows about to start."

They found themselves on a bench and watched as the girl fell. Both heroes stood up intending to save the child before she dived into a bucket of water.

A sharp whistle directed their attention back to the trapeze.

"I'm up here still." The light tracked back up to find the girl laughing.

"A round of applause for our amazing pocketeer!" The ringmaster said as another spotlight flicked on. The two heroes recognized him from an old mission they had. "Now for the show you've been waiting for, the flying Grayson's!" The invisible audience got quieter as the lights faded out.

"Hard for them to fly with their wings clipped isn't it?" Joker stood up behind them and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "Haven't you ever wondered where my little Jester came from?" He laughed and stuck his face closer to theirs. "Look at this heartbreaking moment." His words were full of false sympathy as they watched the red and blue lights flash, this time from the outside of the tent.

"You could have prevented this. You could have saved them."

There was a boy on the ground as the girl approached. There was blood in the dirt as well as her hair.

"I'm sorry Richard."

The memory went black and this time they were at a door.

"I'm so close to finally getting my little Jester, she's so close to being mine. Aren't you excited junior brats?" Joker had yet to leave.

"The circus is leaving town. I wanted to say goodbye before we left."

"Why bother? It's your fault they're gone. I never want to see you again."

The door hadn't opened but they could hear it slam shut.

"Now that that's out of the way, which door should we peek in first? She has a lot of fun memories." Joker laughed as the door opened into a seemingly endless hall lined with what looked like hospital doors. "She has quite a few memories doesn't she, let me show you my favorites." The laughter was louder than ever but the joker disappeared and one of the doors opened.

Artemis and Megan shared a look. They weren't sure what they'd find behind the door but they had to find Jess again to pull her out of this.

"Psimon is very upset with you. Said you helped those brats escape." They could hear Joker, and he sounded oddly calm. The room wasn't very well lit but they peeked in anyways.

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