Back From the Dead.

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With a quick debrief from Robin, Batman now had enough information to guess who was behind their sudden change in patrol. It wasn't conventional by any means, but he got the four back to their own patrol while he went to do his own investigating. His list was rather short when it came to people teleporting others without the use of a boom tube or a zeta tube. It got even shorter with the type of car they were following.

Only one person came to mind that fit both criteria, but she's been officially dead for two years now. Then again she has come back from the dead before.

He made it to Joker's old haunt on the pier, he'd start there and hit a few other places if he couldn't find Jester. She hadn't called him out on her own, but he had to find out who knew where the bat cave was.

Going through the front door would be too obvious, so he did a quick perimeter check. On the roof, there was a window that he could use as an entrance. He'd have to be careful though since he couldn't be too sure if it's got a booby trap or not. He opened it without a problem and looked through the opening to double-check to make sure that it wasn't a trap. He entered the window and carefully looks around for any other traps that could be laid out still waiting to be set off.

He made it to the main area of the fun house and found Jester sitting in costume, without her hat on. She was sitting at the desk that Joker was usually at when concocting his schemes. She was working on some papers her full attention on them, and not looking at the intruder.

"Jester?" He called out. She held up a hand and opened a pocket next to him. He leaned through the pocket and when he saw it led behind her he walked through. She kept her attention on the papers in front of her but pointed out a paper at the edge of her desk. He picked it up and carefully read it over.

I can't look at you or they'll know.

I have my memories back, but since I'm no longer controlled by Joker I can be my own person. However, when I got back Vertigo found me first and put one of their control devices on my neck and I have one working contact lens that transmits data back to them. The team won't like what I'll have to be in order for them to win this battle. I am able to play a believable villain, and with that, I'll need someone to feed the information to.

Can I trust you to keep the information?

"You can trust me. You know being a mole is not going to be easy." She looked away and opened a drawer to pull out another note.

Since I can't speak this'll have to be how I communicate.

I have made sure my old contacts know that I'm back and my own person now. Joker knows I'm alive again as does some of the team. I'll have to make things look believable, so if it's alright with you can you redo your entrance so I can 'fight' you?

"I take it the tech is only visual." She nodded. "It's good to see you back Jester. Even if you have to go back into villainy. There's some contacts you should reacquaint with at Belle Reve. Harley isn't there, but it'll be more believable if you're amongst other villains." He took a glance at his watch, it was almost time to quit patrol for the night. Which means, if the others were successful there should be new inmates. "Pretty sure Nightwing made mention of Jr getting sent back to Reve. Might be tactical if you made friends again." She froze a moment before nodding subtly, she then opened another pocket. He walked through and found himself back by the window opening. He allowed himself to smirk, she knew he'd come after her. "Clever. Would have made a fine hero." He kept his musings to himself even if he had spoken out loud.

He made his way back to where she was sitting and threw a Batarang that landed in the desk in front of her. She looked up and opened a pocket near herself, pulling a bo-staff out and hopping over the desk. She lunged at him intending to hit him in the side when he blocked.

They went hit for hit for a good minute or so. He noticed her pulling punches at times, so he in turn pulled a couple of his.

Even though becoming a villain again was by her own choice he couldn't help but notice the sad look on her face. Like she decided she didn't have another option to take. He saw himself in some of her actions, and that made him falter.

She landed a hit to his shoulder with her staff, he will admit, that hurt.

Jumping back a step to avoid another hit he pulled out some smoke pellets, some used for knocking out a perp. He had to make it believable right? When she got close again he held his breath and broke the pellets on the ground between them.

A cloud of smoke enveloped them. He jumped out of the cloud, not that he couldn't hold his breath for as long as the cloud was there, but in case she decided to try landing another hit.

She was coughing, it sounded rough like she hadn't used her vocals in a long time. Perhaps he should have thought of an alternative to the smoke instead. She waved her hand in front of her face to disperse the smoke faster but the effects were starting to settle in.

He watched as her steps staggered before her eyes started to droop. She was gonna hate him for using the knock out gas, but it was the only way he could think of on the spot to get her to Belle Reve with the villains having access to her sight.

'Thank you.' The words were mouthed, but not spoken. He understood and caught her before she hit the ground. Now all that was left was to get her to Belle Reve and find out who else knows about her in order to keep all his tabs in order.

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