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She had cut open a pocket to Vertigo just before he used the father box he had to open a boom tube.

"You will be punished later for this. All of this could have been avoided if you did your job correctly." She stood next to Plasmus as Vertigo lectured her.

He opened a boom tube to the beach and they all went through it to find the trespassers and friends. The 'Superboy', as Vertigo called him, left after a trail of molten rock.

"Sending your heavy hitter away? Not very good at this game are you?" She tuned him out a little. He wasn't giving an order anyways right?

Looking at the group she felt nervous, or was it just that the memory fragments have her confused? She wasn't sure exactly what was going on or why complete strangers seemed so familiar.

"Bring me their corpses." An order, she went to follow Plasmus and the doctor, but Vertigo held out a hand. "Not you Fail Safe. I need you to follow the Superboy." He watched her hesitate for a moment. "You've remembered something?" She nodded with confusion on her face. "Not everything it seems. Those people, they aren't the good guys. They're responsible for your papa's fate. The Superboy, Robin, Artemis, all of those Junior heroes, they're why you won't see him ever again."

She looked down disheartened. Something didn't sit right, but Vertigo hadn't lied to her yet right? It had to be the truth.

"I want you to distract Superboy. If you can." She nodded and cut open a pocket. It led her to the courtyard where there were people dressed all fancy. The older prince was watching much like she was.

The baron had revealed himself to be a meta, and he was fighting with the younger prince. The younger prince whom had less control over his rather destructive ability. She jumped in front of two bystanders and opened a pocket in an x shape to catch the molten rock that would have otherwise hit them.

This action was not missed by the Superboy she noticed. He seemed to falter a moment before getting some other civilians out of harms way.

"-open fire." The baron called out and she froze. She didn't have anything to fire.

"Disregard that order. Arrest Baron Delamb." That was an order she could follow. She cut open a pocket and retrieved an inhibitor collar. Moving carefully she went around the Baron and put the collar on him while he argued with the prince. He threw her aside after the collar locked in place. In a fit of rage he went to attack the older prince, but the Superboy got in the way.

With the Baron down the Superboy went to the younger prince. She hadn't been given an order yet and was worried she'd be stuck there.

"You," The older prince got her attention. "I don't know who you are but you should get back to where you came from, and out of Markova." An order she nodded with a slight bow as she opened a pocket.

She stepped through expecting to see the underground where she's spent the last year only to find herself on a decrepit looking dock.

'Where am I?' She wondered. She reconnected the two parts of her staff and clipped it to her back. It wasn't needed at the moment and it would be easier to explore without it in the way.

The docks looked abandoned, not much care went into them and there wasn't a boat in sight. She wandered a ways and found herself at the entrance to an abandoned fun house. Looking around there was other carnival like things along the docks, but all looked equally abandoned.

No lights, no sounds. It was almost creepy how it appeared but something seemed so familiar. She couldn't quite recall what that was though.

She let her feet guide her through the broken door. Someone or something had kicked it in and attempted to shut it to keep people out. The door was split across the middle. And unbeknownst to her someone had placed a silent alarm on the door. Someone knew she was there.

She walked through the vaguely familiar halls and found herself outside a room. The lock was on the outside of it.

Was there something locked behind it? She leaned in closer to the door but didn't hear anything. She tried the handle and the door opened. The air was stagnant, like no one had been in there for a while.

The inside of the room looked depressing, an age worn desk with dust and papers scattered around it. A dingy looking mattress on the floor, also covered in papers. Honestly it looked like the room was gone through by someone looking for something. She walked into the room and glanced at a few of the papers. Nothing legible with the amount of time it's been sitting in this environment.

She found a smaller square paper that caught her interest. Picking it up she flipped it over, it wasn't paper at all. It was a photo, from an instant print camera. But the photo was near impossible to make out, black bled into the picture from the top and the bottom half looked akin to a borealis there were so many colors bleeding together it was almost pretty. Probably not what the photo looked like when it was taken though. She could barely make out some shapes, it looked like maybe someone had been kneeling in the picture. She couldn't be sure and without a negative it'd be impossible to tell what this is a photo of.

She placed the photo in a pocket of hers. She couldn't quite understand her need to keep it, just that it meant something to her.

Cleaning up the room a bit she came across a bracelet that sparked something akin to a memory. Someone in a dress gave her this. She stared at the bracelet for a while hoping to clear up the memory, but nothing was getting clearer. There was no face to go with the person in the dress, it was dark and she couldn't make out the color of the dress either. Even the background was blank.

'Why is this all so familiar though?' She wondered as she looked around from her spot crouched near the floor.

Before she got much further into investigating the feeling of being watched made the hairs on the back of her neck stand.

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