Who is Jester?

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[A/N: sorry this is late, my schedule got all messed up and I forgot yesterday was Friday.]

With Lobo now gone the group was catching their breath and making quiet conversation about what just happened. Jester only glared at Conner her irritation was not apparent it seems. Getting up she ignored the confused glances from the younger three and walked up to Conner. With a silent irritated yell, she punched him in the jaw, breaking her hand in the process. The others were shocked into silence. She only kept her glare fixed on Conner, he had been the only one to be in tune with what she was thinking at times.

"What's the matter Failsafe?" Dr. Jayce was the only one who composed herself enough to speak. Jester turned to face her and gestured to Conner and Artemis. "The two of them?" She seemed confused. Jester then pointed at herself trying to convey her message. "I don't understand." Jester, rightfully frustrated, looked around to find something that would help her speak.

"Forager thinks he understands what Jester is trying to say. Conner Kent and Artemis Crock know who Jester is." Jester looked up relieved and nodded. At least someone understood what she was trying to say.

"Is this true?" Dr. Jayce looked at the two named and then glanced at each other before nodding.

"Jess was, is our friend. She's just been lost to us for some time now." Conner stated earning an irritated glare from Jester.

"Jester is Jester. Why call Jester Jess?" Forager seemed confused.

"Because that's her name," Artemis said trying to calm the angry Jess.

"You know who she is?" Dick was confused. How did his team know this girl and he didn't?

"We used to. She was in an accident and we were trying to figure out how to help her." Conner was trying to find a way to balance what he knew and the other two didn't. Jester didn't like that. She went to hit him again but he caught her wrist. "It was for your own good that we didn't tell you. With your memories bringing back scars we couldn't be sure you wouldn't disappear on us again." Her glare hardened and she pushed him away with her free hand.

"For her own good? Wouldn't it be better for her to know who she is?" Dr. Jayce put a hand on her shoulder. "By keeping this from her you are no better than Count Vertigo. He recognized her as well and kept her past a secret from her. How can she trust you now?" Jester gently removed the doctor's hand from her shoulder and stepped back. With a glare at Conner, she opened a pocket underneath her and vanished from the group.

"Jester will come back?" Forager asked looking upset that she left.

"I am not so sure. She seemed pretty upset." Brion stated also glaring at the older heroes. Turns out he's not the only one being left in the dark about things.


Jester found herself back at that funhouse. 'Was this a safe place?' She wondered as she stormed to the room she kept going back to. 'Whatever this place meant to me it has to be safer than being lied to.' She convinced herself as she slammed the door shut.

Some of the papers flew up a bit with the force behind the door. She glared at the papers. Not that it would do anything though. But what else could she do, she had felt safe and even had friends that were nice enough to let her stay at their home.

How was keeping her identity secret better than letting her know who she was? Who would even know who she was that wouldn't lie to her? 'There must be something around here that'll help me remember.'

She went about every inch of the room before exploring further. Nothing was helping trigger another memory as of yet. She came across the exposed booby trap that nearly hit Robin the first night she showed up here.

'Robin would know.' She thought as she stared at the floor. 'How would I get to him though?'

"Why don't you just use your pockets to get to the boy blunder?" The voice of that clown echoed through the room, but he was nowhere in sight. "After all, you've done it before. Pocketing to people. You just have to concentrate on who you're wanting to pocket too." This clown seems to know a lot about her. If he was right she'd be able to pocket to anyone, all she had to do was focus. She might regret this, but she had to know. She opened a pocket to where the clown was and walked through.

She didn't expect to see the bars of a prison cell in front of her. She recognized the clown on the other side of the bars and it seemed like he recognized her too.

"Back from the dead are we my little Jester?" He laughed and she bit her tongue. "I am surprised to see you though, I figured when the explosion didn't kill you with that little bird that Reach debacle had done you in. We all thought so." She glared at him. "Now don't give me that look. Don't tell me you don't remember." He laughed a bit before fixing her with a look.

"You don't remember." He got up and walked to the bars. "You need help knowing who you were?" Her glare faltered. This probably wasn't such a good idea. He laughed hard and threw his head back a bit before calming down. "I could tell you, my little Jester. But what's the fun in that? Go back to the fun house and look in the hall of mirrors. Surely there's gotta be something that'll kick start the remembering process. If that doesn't work, I'm sure you could always find your little Bluebird. He did know you best."

This only served to confuse her more. What bluebird? At least the mirrors might help, she'd start there and then try and figure out this bluebird nonsense.

"Have fun remembering all the jollies we had my little Jester. I'm sure it'll be an experience." She opened a pocket just as a guard walked into the hallway. "Joker always gets the last laugh." He started laughing again and she could feel her blood run cold. She knew that name, and she didn't like it one bit.

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