Down Time

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I didn't want to believe you about Luther, but how could you keep the other clone from me? You had to have known about this, you said there were other clone projects. Why lie to me?

-Emergency Contact-
I haven't lied to you.
I told you about Luther. And what other clone? Is there more of the league cloned? I wasn't aware of them trying the main heroes.

She had to play dumb if she wanted to keep his trust, it wasn't exactly a lie. She didn't know there was a second clone until she saw it.

There's another Superman clone. They said Luther had him put on ice because he's too feral. You mean to tell me Luther didn't have you babysit that one?

-Emergency Contact-
I had no idea there was another super clone. There are other clone projects that I'm aware of but you are the only super that I know of. If Luther had another clone it was before I came into the picture. I work under Joker not Luther. Had I known of this I would have told you.
I can do some digging if you'd like but J isn't going to be happy about it.

It's fine.
I guess you haven't lied to me either so I'm sorry for accusing you.
Speedy joined the team, or red arrow. Whatever his name is. Apparently he's an option for justice league tryouts.

-Emergency Contact-
And this isn't information you should be giving me. Especially over text, someone could find it.
Sorry if that sounded mean but I don't want any of your hurt because of me.

How do you know his name?

-Emergency Contact-
It's my job to know these things. Im not using you to get this information, it's from research J has me do for the league. He wants to exploit weakness and use it to cause mayhem.

Do you know anyone else on the team?

-Emergency Contact-
The only one I don't have a whole lot of information on is miss Martian.
I know some better than others but I have the basics for each of them.

Have you given any of this information to the bad guys?

-Emergency Contact-
Of course not. I'm not going to endanger children if I can help it. I've gotten good at pretending I know nothing when they ask.

You'll let us know if you do?

-Emergency Contact-
Of course. I'd like to give you a heads up as soon as I can. When I'm able to at least.

Got it.
We've got a new mission so I might be away for a bit. You know anything that's happening at the circus?

-Emergency Contact-
Not that I'm aware of. I can do some searching though. J said he wouldn't hit the circus, but doesn't mean other villains won't.

Why is the circus off limits to the clown?

-Emergency Contact-
He does it as a favor to me. I'm from the circus so in turn he won't target the circus.

That's oddly nice of him.

-Emergency Contact-
It was my ninth birthday present from him. Nearly killed a goon for suggesting we use the circus as a cover for travel theft.

That's odd. It's similar to our mission.

-Emergency Contact-
How so?

There's been a string of robberies, with tech going missing in each city that Haly's circus has visited. Apparently there's a flu going around too.

-Emergency Contact-
Haly is innocent. If anything he doesn't know who it is that's doing the theft and is trying to snuff them out.

Robin said the same thing. Do you know the ring master?

-Emergency Contact-
Yeah. I grew up in his circus. Not sure how Robin knows him though.

You could come help us.

-Emergency Contact-
Not a good idea. If your team know I'm there it'll be bad news for me. And I'm not sure I'll be strong enough to face Jack without breaking down and wanting to stay. J has his claws too deep in me and I don't want Jack hurt.

I understand. Will you be able to help from a distance if we need?

-Emergency Contact-
I can try. J is getting bratty at the moment.

The stress of the mission is getting to us. Megan and Robin are down with whatever flu is going around.

-Emergency Contact-
That's weird. Is it common flu symptoms?

From what I can tell, but there's not a build up like a normal flu. And it seems to go away after a day or so.

-Emergency Contact-
Is there someone there that's suspicious?

Kinda. There's this guy Ray, he's overly friendly and doesn't seem to get sick.

-Emergency Contact-
Ray is not a helpful name considering how common it is, I'll do some digging and see if I can find any records. Jack isn't very digital so most of his stuff is a paper trail. I'll let you know if I find anything.

We're going to do some recon and see if we can't trail the perp. Something I should mention though. Luther gave me what he calls shields. They suppress the human dna and allow me to be a full kryptonian for a while.

-Emergency Contact-
Be careful using those. It could be dangerous.

How so? They unlock my full kryptonian potential.

-Emergency Contact-
Which in turn unlocks the more aggressive nature they can display. I don't want you hurt or to accidentally hurt your team. I know from personal experience that hurting those close to you is one of the worst feelings you could have. Followed closely by a bath in chemicals. But that's not related to this.

I'll be careful.

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