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The small team of villains sat aboard the manta Flyer. Icicle jr. hitting on Tuppence, or at least trying to. She was not having any of it.

"Sit down Cameron. Can't you see, she isn't interested?" Ghost said with a sigh.

"And who are you again?" Cameron asked getting defensive. Ghost tilted her head almost forgetting she was wearing her helmet.


"Sure are talkative, aren't you?"

"I've learned most don't care when I talk." She turned away, ignoring the look Kaldur gave her. "Stay on task. You're all to pass or fail in joining the light."

"And who exactly are you? I ain't never heard of Ghost." Her head turned back to Tommy who spoke.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured me out yet." She brought her hands up to her helmet. "Then again smarts isn't really your thing, is it Tommy." She took the thing off and made sure her face held no emotion.

The look on his face went from smug to shock to anger fairly quickly. He got up from his seat.

"I otta kill you." He said as he stalked closer.

"Get in line Tommy. J already tried and I'm sure there's a heap of people wanting me dead. So sit down and let's get through the mission. You can kill me later." She put her helmet back on and turned her attention elsewhere. Missing the concerned look Tommy gave to his sister.

Unknown to everyone on the boat, except for Tuppence, Tommy actually liked Jess. He just had a hard way of expressing it since they barely interact, and when they do someone is always hurt by the mission.

"Let us focus on the mission. We are nearing the target location." Kaldur said and the rag tag group nodded in silence. The ship touched down out of range of the tech they were tracking. "Ghost, I will need you to stay on ship in case there is trouble. Keep your radio on and we will let you know if we need you." Ghost nodded as the others left.

Honestly it didn't take that long for them to get back. Tommy looking a little more irritated than when he left.

"If you had another one of those how come you never told us?"

"This is not the same. It tracks the first device that acted as a Trojan horse. They brought it to the cave where it immediately bypassed the alarms and security. Mount Justice is ours."

They planted the ship in the docking area and they all got out.

"Ghost, accompany Tigress. We will split up to cover more ground." Kaldur said before leaving. The two girls walked through the quiet halls. It wasn't unusual, most of them were probably home or on their own missions.

Tigress walked around like a ninja would while Ghost didn't particularly care to hide in the shadows. Wolf perked his head up and made eye contact with her while sniffing the air.

"Hey buddy." Ghost said as she fluffed up the fur on his head with her hand. "Long time no see." She put her head on his. "Keep this a secret okay? I shouldn't be here." Wolf nodded and laid back down as Tigress put an inhibitor collar on him. They continued their search.

"Didn't know you knew wolf." Tigress said as they checked another room.

"The day the injustice league made their debut."

"What?" Tigress had stopped at Ghosts statement.

"When wolf and I met. J wasn't happy I got injured. Killed a goon for stabbing me. I was valuable then." Ghost continued searching.

"You still have value. It doesn't matter that Joker thinks you aren't."

"I spent half my life living with J. Hard not to believe what he tells you. And doing my own research on things. I have no value other than the secrets I've obtained and my ability. But hardly either work like they did before the incident."

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