Exit 92

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She was nervous, so nervous. There wasn't a single thing in the world that could calm her down right now, unless it was her cousin calling her back. She was so worried about Daisy. She was really hoping that she would be able to prevent whatever that vision of hers was by asking the Detective to help her with it. She even begged him just so she could try and pinpoint the exact area, if she could recognize it.

Indigo really didn't think that she would be able to. She thought that she would be able to possibly catch Daisy's car, but not the specific road that she had witnessed in her vision. That wasn't something that had ever happened to her before. She had never gotten the spitting image of her vision right in front of her. And it was only putting her more on edge as the time ticked by.

Jim had left one of his other officers, a man on the short side with black hair, with her. She wanted to know just what was going on, but it seemed like they were really trying to look for something. She didn't want to bother them at all. She'd rather be left in the dark about it as long as it meant that her cousin would make it home.

She had already gotten texts from her other cousins, wondering where she was. Alfonso probably wanted his car back. He would get it soon, she hoped. She left it at the police station as she went with Jim to figure this out. It didn't help that she just got this phone and was still trying to figure it out. That was one of the presents that Florence had gotten her as a homecoming gift. It wasn't the most expensive on the market, but she was happy with what she had.

They were all worried now, though. Because it had been far too long since any of them had heard from Daisy. She was never away from her phone for more than five minutes, unless she was asleep. Alfonso told her through text that she had called him right before heading back home, and that was it. They all wanted to call Indigo right then, but she wouldn't answer. She was too afraid to make any sort of noise.

It seemed silly, but she was honestly just too afraid of something happening; someone recognizing her through it. There was no one there, but she still worried that it would happen.

Jim disappeared in one of the fields, along with the other officer that she had talked to before. Her heart beat fast as she tried to think more about her surroundings. The bird was her main focus. She had a feeling that there was more to it than it simply being dead on a street.

She stayed in the cabin of the car, using it as her only reprieve from her fears. There was something about being inside the police car, and not the back of one, that she liked. Whether it be the white noise of the police radio or the heat that kept her from getting a chill in the night air. Or the food that she had been stress eating the whole night.

She probably should have told Jim that she was a stress eater. He just seemed so worried that she didn't eat at all. It was kinda cute. She hadn't seen many men get all worried about her like that. But now it was biting her in the ass as she prayed to god that her churning stomach didn't attempt to hurl this all up.

She just hoped that all would wind up okay. That she would see Jim come from that dark field looking perfectly fine and all this would get figured out. Maybe it would have been best if she didn't go with him, honestly. It just seemed like she was burdening the officer that was kicking rocks outside the car. She really didn't want to try and talk to him. He already seemed upset, and she didn't want to do try and make friends with him.

She was slowly starting to calm down just a little, her stomach settling back down and the goosebumps on her skin slowly going away. This night just seemed too familiar to her vision. And the more she thought about that, the more worried she got. Because she wasn't able to see a solution out of it, only an ultimatum.

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