Overnight Shift

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"Make sure to check all their pockets and coats," Jim told Felix. "And don't complain about it this time."

"Yes, sir," Felix sounded a little disappointed in himself. Jim would try and be supportive and tell him that he tried, but he was still upset himself that the officer couldn't keep track of two women and a man in handcuffs. All he needed to do was put the guy in the back of the car and make sure the ladies were alright while Jim and Snake went to take care of the coven that they just caught by surprise.

And he couldn't even do that right.

Jim sighed. He supposed with all that had gone on, it wasn't fully his fault. At least he stayed with the cars to make sure that the first man they apprehended didn't get out and the one lady, Daisy, didn't start to run after Indigo. He was already dealing with enough as it was. Adding one more person to the ones that he had to save and make sure were alright wasn't what he had been trying to do that night.

"Some of them got away," Snake told him, speaking quietly just outside the car. "But we got the Corkscrews at least. More officers are on their way to help."

"Good," he rubbed his chin. He was going to have to shave before trying to get some sleep that night. His beard always loved to grow as quick as a wildfire whenever he didn't want to grow it out. When he went into his wolf form a lot, it seemed to quicken the pace of all his hair growing.

At least he'd never go bald, though. That was one plus of it.

Jim refused to look inside the cabin of his car. As calm as he had talked to the woman before, he was piping mad that she had decided to follow him all the way through the field. She had no idea just how dangerous that was. She could have gotten killed, or the ones who escaped could have taken her with as a means of using her for leverage against them.

His own heart was still beating fast. The scene flashed before his eyes over and over again, like a video on loop. He was fighting off some of the witches, dodging the attacks as best he could, when he saw it. Skaal knew immediately that it was Indigo. He let those witches go so that he could race over and protect her from whatever one of those witches were planning on doing to her. There was no way he was going to let that happen.

He was hoping the night could have kept him hidden, so that none of the civilians would see him in his wolf form. But there was no way that she didn't. Not considering that he had to jump over her to get to the witch. Skaal hadn't shown that kind of animalistic rage in a long time. He hadn't felt that since he was a teenager.

And he didn't want to relive those memories.

"We were able to save her, though," Skaal mentioned in his thoughts. "Shouldn't we just be happy that she's alive and okay now?"

"You're just saying that because she hugged us," he frowned. She had been absolutely terrified when he had attacked the witch, and there was no way that it wasn't because of him and his wild form. But she clung to him so tightly, giving into his strong grip of her. That was an instinct that just popped up out of the blue. He wanted to hold her and make sure that she was okay.

"She wound up saving that other woman, too," he told him, seeming too proud of the woman. "Without her, we might have lost that victim with the witches that had disappeared."

"With her being in the middle of the fight, we could have completely lost her," Jim argued. Those witches really weren't the kind to mess with, none of them were. These ones in particular were the main reason why everyone thought so poorly of witches. Jim had met some nice ones, but those were few and far between compared to the ones that he had to deal with on an almost regular basis.

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