Another Mystery

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He didn't smell strange. Actually, Jim couldn't get a good scent from the strange figure. He must have had a scent charm on him or something similar. It might cause an issue with tracking him down if need be. Jim was going to have to use his other senses for that instead.

It didn't really talk at all. Instead, the figure just stood there, looking back and forth. He wished he never left Indigo in the damn truck. She could be safe in there, but he wasn't sure this particular fiend's abilities. He wasn't even sure if it was human or not. It looked human like, wearing a trench coat that covered just about anything that could be used to distinguish it. But there were many kinds of demons and beasts that could look human-like.

He didn't even want to take his eyes off it. The second that it moved would be the second that he lunged for it. They were at a standstill right then, too afraid that if he moved an inch it would start the race. He wasn't sure what he would do.

"We need to protect her at all cost."

"I know."

It was a good thing Skaal didn't talk much in these kinds of situations. The last thing either of them needed was a distraction. Instead of talking, Skaal lent him some of his senses, heightening the entire area while they stood still. He could almost remember every bug that was in the cracks of the sidewalk; every car that whizzed by them, unsuspecting.

The stare down didn't last as long as it felt. It felt as if hours had passed, them both trying to look over each other. There was something off about the trench coat figure. The way he looked at him reminded Jim of something that he couldn't put a finger on. It was a small itch that he couldn't seem to scratch. Jim didn't dare say anything to the figure, though. If he did then the spell would be broken and the creature would run to action.

All it took was a particular car getting too close and the true action began. The western stand off had turned into a chase as the trench coated figure started to bolt. Jim's heart leapt, pumping adrenaline through his veins. He thought that it would have gone for the truck where Indigo had thankfully stayed. Instead, he raced in the opposite direction.

Jim didn't hesitate. He pulled out his gun and started racing over to him. He had to wait to get a clear shot of the figure first, but he wasn't going to hesitate. The fact that it had a scent charm was a clear indication that it was dangerous. No one wears those things without anything to hide. And it stalking Indigo proved to him that it wasn't going to be a victim of circumstance, either.

"Snake!" Jim almost growled over the radio. "Where the hell are you?!"

"Got stuck in a traffic jam, surprisingly," Snake answered immediately. "Something that flashing some lights isn't going to get me out of."

"Then lose the car."

"It's that bad, huh?"

"I got your back!" Felix told him over the radio. "I'm all ready to cut him off at the next street."

"You better get your gun out and be prepared to use it," Jim warned him. He had been wondering what took Snake so long to get there. Most of the time it took seconds from his reply. This was the one time that he didn't get there as fast as Jim needed him to.

And, of course, it was the one time that Jim really needed him as fast as possible.

Jim was running as fast as he could at that point. The only way he would be faster would be if he got in his wolf form, and that wasn't going to happen in the city with the sun already up. Instead, he pumped his legs towards the figure, making sure to match every turn that it made. It was trying to lose him, Jim knew that. Every single chance it could turn, it did. Jim wasn't going to lose him. Not right then at least. Not when he had his eyes locked on him.

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