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"You aren't going to actually hurt him," Jim rolled his eyes, walking straight into his office. Of course, the first day back, and he's already having to deal with the consequences of leaving these two to themselves.

"I think you all overestimate my patience," Snake looked up at him from his tablet. The expression on his face reminded him of an aggravated professor that had just spent a whole night grading. "I didn't think that merpeople knew anything about micromanaging, but I'm this close to reminding him that he's a much lower rank than I am."

"Rank?" Jim raised a brow, sitting down at his desk. He opened his computer without looking, his fingers already knowing how to unlock it.

"Oh, shut up," Snake sighed. "You know what I meant."

"I can't believe I'm saying this," Jim huffed a laugh. "But I think the vampire actually needs some sleep. How long has it been?"

"I'm not answering that question," Snake answered, messing with his tablet some more. "I already had to talk to your girlfriend for you."

"Don't remind me," he frowned. It wasn't that he wasn't going to tell her everything, it was just difficult to when there were so many things going on. Jim hadn't really had to talk to humans about it. Most of the time, he could keep who he was or what he was to himself without giving others too many details.

He wasn't used to being open. But that didn't mean that he wouldn't have told her if she had asked. Instead of talking to him or Prue, who he thought she was going to open up more with, she asked Snake. Which didn't make any sense to him at all.

"I just wanted someone on the outside's opinion," Indigo shrugged it off. "And he was the only one who knows you without being one of you."

"What exactly did you tell her, anyway?" Jim asked the bat, going back to the present. He guessed that he should thank him, because it seemed to calm her down. He could tell that she was anxious about everything that had happened, but after that she seemed to go back to her normal self.

"That she needed to focus on the present and what she felt now," Snake answered. "Also, that you could talk to her through thoughts, because that's pretty important."

"You should have left that for me to tell her." He told him. He didn't want to put all of these things on Snake to explain anyway. Sure, he was a close friend. But that didn't mean that he knew everything about him. They kept many things about their past out of their normal conversations. The past just muddied things up, and left each other more vulnerable to their enemies. Jim didn't want to wrap Snake up in all the politics that had involved his past.

"With all the things that have been happening, and the fact that the list of how many people are trying to target her is growing, I think it's a good idea to tell her that early," Snake glanced up at him. "It's either that or you're going to do it in some freak accident that's going to leave her so surprised. And she'd only blame you."

Jim pressed his lips against each other, looking at the screen that his eyes couldn't focus on. He was so happy with what had happened the past couple days that he had almost forgotten the open case of hers that he still had to solve.

It was still in the back of his mind, simmering as the volcanic rage boiled deep below the surface. There was still the part of him that wanted to torture the one who was wishing any harm towards her. The part that wanted to protect her would also burn the world for her. That was the reason why he had trained so hard to remain balanced. If not, then he would be a slave to his own emotions. It seemed helpful and powerful at first, until you realize that you have no power at all.

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