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Something told her to not go back home. There was something that had told her to stay with him at least one more night. She had felt nothing but dread in the bottom of her stomach the entire drive back to her cousin's. She just thought that it was from the worry about the stalker coming back. That it was a feeling she had to overcome. They would find whoever this was that wanted her specifically. She was sure that she could trust Jim with that.

And now she was pacing in her room, waiting for some sort of phone call or text from him.

He could have been on a call, or dealing with something with his family. Indigo wouldn't be surprised if it were either. She just thought that he would at least have sent her a text or something. The lack of it was causing her to think that the worst had happened.

But she was supposed to stay calm, right? It was the only way that she was going to be able to handle being with a man who was an officer. She already knew that she was going to be worrying about him whenever he was working. She already had been from the moment they started dating. It was just an emotion that she kept to herself most of the time. She would ignore it. After all, it wasn't healthy to worry about someone that much, especially not after they had just gone on a few dates.

Only now they weren't in that stage anymore. She had already spent a week in his house and had gotten pretty close. Was this the time when she was allowed to get worried about him?

It didn't help that he had told her he was going to message her. If this was all because he had a random call from work or one of his buddies decided to take him out for drinks or something she was going to be pissed. All it took was five seconds and it would have saved her a whole hour of worrying.

Would Jim really do that? Would he really forget to message her when he had promised that he would? He didn't seem like the type of guy...

Indigo plopped back onto her bed, looking up at the ceiling. This was going to keep her up all night. She didn't know when she was going to hear from him, but she swore if it wasn't soon, she was going to lose it.

She was good at trusting her feelings, but these ones just had to be nerves. Indigo had been nervous from the moment she thought about leaving Jim's place. It was nice living with him, but she wasn't sure if it was too soon to or not. She wanted to, but at the same time things had already been moving fast. Indigo already had experiences from people who wanted to move fast in a relationship. In the end, it never worked out. Keeping a little bit of distance between them kept her from getting delusional about someone. And it kept her from losing touch with her cousins, which she had already barely talked to the entire week that she had been away.

They were excited to hear what had happened of course, mainly Daisy. But she didn't want to talk to them about it then. Instead, she told them that she was tired and went to her room. Thankfully, they didn't bug her too much about it. Most of them had to go to bed early for work the next day anyway.

It might have been a good idea to talk to them, though. Perhaps it would have kept her thoughts off from someone messaging her...

She really couldn't take this anymore. The more she thought about Jim, the more anxious she seemed to be. Indigo had already tried to send him a message. It didn't work. Then she tried to call him and he didn't answer his phone. She was trying to not freak out, but she feared something had happened.

But Indigo didn't have any visions or dreams. She didn't see anything in her reflection lately. She barely had time to. So, it all could be just her own mind trying to scare her. It hadn't been that long since Jim had dropped her off. She was sure that he would call her when he had the chance...

If he had the chance...

"Oh, dammit all!" Indigo rubbed her forehead before reaching for her phone one more time. "I'm probably going to seem like the neediest woman in the planet, but it'll be his fault anyway."

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