What Doesn't Kill You

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A gunshot was all it took for him to turn back to his human form. It wasn't something that he was expecting that night on his hunt. They were so close to finding those witches, he could taste it. That was why he had gone for a hunt earlier that day. There was a feeling in his stomach that they were going to find some answer.

Now all that he could taste was a bit of his own blood, and the sting of silver clipping his shoulder. He was lucky that a bullet wasn't stuck in him. He looked to see that his shirt was a little torn, blood seeping out of it. But it would heal. What wasn't going to was whoever had decided to shoot that gun.

"Search the area," he ordered the small hunting party that was with him. They looked worried at him, but his wound didn't matter. That would heal. What mattered was finding the person who attacked them. If he couldn't find him, then they were just going to attack them again.

And this forest was going to have one more problem.

Blacktooth forest always did. That was the chronic problem with their pack. No matter what they did, how brutal they were or how well they protected their people or the city the forest surrounded, more enemies still came to challenge them. No matter how much strength they showed, there was always someone who wished to challenge it.

He hated it. That was why he'd rather be in the police section, away from the bloody messes that these battles always led to. He liked leaving it to the justice of the world rather than his own. Very few times did he wish for his own after he had gone into the police force.

"Jim!" his brother's voice connected with his easily. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he told him. It only took a second or two for that wound to start healing. He was laying on the ground to keep himself from being a greater target. The whole point was to disappear from the enemy, in hopes of luring him out. "Someone's got a gun with silver bullets, though. Scanning the perimeter as we speak."

"I'm coming over there," he said. "It looks like we might have found more tonight than ever before."

"What did you find?"

"Your partner, first of all," Will shocked him with that comment. What the hell would either of his partners be doing out here of all places? He had told both of them to stick to the city and keeping it safe. If any of that coven decided to escape into the nightlife, then it would be good to have some people to keep an eye out for them. "I believe you called him Snake?"

"What's he doing here?"

"We don't have time for this, Jim!" Skaal shouted in his head, taking control of his body to roll him out of the way of another bullet. "William! We need you here! We can't pinpoint where the bullets are coming from!"

Skaal was great at taking control when he was in a life or death situation. It was annoying when it came to certain things, but they made some great teamwork when it came to work. Whether it be detective work or hunting, he still had it in him.

Jim got out his gun from its holster. He still had all his equipment with him, it showing up right when he turned human again. That was a strange perk that his pack had. The demon half that controlled the wolf side of the personality was powerful enough to transform without the need of shredding clothes or leaving assets like the equipment that he had.

Jim shot right in the direction that he saw the bullet come from. Sure enough, he heard a grunt. He wasn't sure how well his aim was right them. The dark was almost impossible to see in, even with his great vision. But he knew that he got someone. And that grunt was all he needed for the rest in his party to start going towards it, mauling whoever it was that even dared to hit him. The enemy probably thought that he was really wounded on the ground right then, but he was using it as leverage to see about getting a better aim on them and keeping hidden.

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