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There was always paperwork to be done, even when there weren't any cases at the moment. He was still waiting on other investigations and a few autopsy reports to really go out and do anything. So, it was a small period of rest for his body, as he worked his mind into attempting to complete all the paperwork he could and be glad that he had above average eyes, or they would be getting blurry at that point.

Being a detective wasn't as exciting as everyone made it out to be, honestly. Sure, he got to investigate and find out the truth of the situation. Being in the only supernatural division in the city allowed him the right to always be focused on those cases as soon as they popped up. But most of his days were spent in his office, filling out paperwork and making phone calls to different cities and people to gather more information on the suspects. On some occasions he'd find that they did nothing wrong and simply mark the case as complete. While those cases existed, and still required a lot of documenting, they were still really rare.

"Remind me why you have me again?" Snake popped in, setting down the packet of papers onto his desk. He never slammed anything. Rather, Snake was always the being who like everything neat and tidy. Jim would think the man had OCD or something, but it was apparently a common trait for vampires to have. Snake told him that it had something to do with just how precise their movements could be. He liked to think the man just liked to make excuses and just didn't want to admit that he enjoyed cleaning and keeping things clean.

"That's a good question," Jim toyed with his partner. Then he took a quick look at the stack that he had brought with him. "Did you get that autopsy report on that dwarf yet?"

"I wish," Snake said. "All this stack is, is just a bunch of useless papers that we have to keep track of. Just so we can make more of them and more reports that take days before we can actually get the creature that committed the crime."

"It's necessary to make those reports Snake," Jim sighed, organizing the stacks to prioritize what needed to be read first. Snake had already done it, as he was the best at organizing, but Jim always skimmed through them just to be sure. "That's how we keep track of every one of our cases."

"Oh, please," Snake rolled his eyes. "It's so we can cover our asses if the 'oh so political' creatures that we grab don't try to use us as an excuse for them being caught or say that we were discrimination against them."

"That's the second most important reason," Jim leaned back in his chair, casually flipping through the papers. "Believe it or not, they do this for the average human too."

"Oh, I believe that," Snake plopped down on one of his comfortable chairs in his office. He liked making his office more homely. After all, he practically lived in either his office or his car. And there was no way that he was going to try and make his car look homely. "Human's love paperwork, especially when it has juicy information on someone, whether they know them or not."

"You're one to talk," Jim chuckled a bit. "You gossip more than any human I've met."

"You haven't met enough humans then," Snake told him. "I don't write it on paper, I'll tell you that." That frown that had been stuck on him since the moment he walked in seemed as though it was going to be permanently etched onto his face. "Can you tell me why Felix is out doing the dirty work this time while I'm stuck being your secretary?"

"He needs more experience," he told him. "And he needs some time away from you. Simple as that."

He was glad that he had been able to catch Felix right when he came in that day. The man really did need more experience with their line of work, and he was excited to get in his car and race off when Jim had given him some things to do. The poor merman had been stuck in the office with Jim for a good bit while they waited some of their cases to start moving again.

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