Chapter 52

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A short time later, Lionel received the mail from his human resources department

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A short time later, Lionel received the mail from his human resources department. He read it through for the fifth time and still couldn't believe what he had just read.

Saskia had quit.

New, unknown emotions pierced his body, the pain he felt was almost physical. Lionel swallowed a few times, but his throat was dry as dust. His tie, it seemed to him, was getting tighter and tighter around his neck by the second. He didn't want to care about her resignation. And yet he thought of various situations he had experienced together with her.

Whether it was something to do with his animals, or whether it was when they worked together, he kept seeing Saskia in front of his inner eye. But he did not want to admit to himself yet that he missed her!

He continued to work undeterred.

Mihai had been sitting idly in the limousine for hours now. Mister Shahbandar had not worked this late, into the night, for quite some time. When he had had Saskia as his assistant, his working hours had been reduced many times over and he had gone home earlier and earlier.

The driver knew very well that it was because of Saskia's absence. Mihai had such high hopes for the two of them. Even though the two were like night and day, they had a lot in common and he found it sad that there was no future now. But maybe all was not lost. As far as he knew, Saskia's only reason for leaving was that she thought his boss was having an affair with that insufferable blonde. But she was no longer present at all, maybe Mihai should tell her that, but he did not want to interfere for the time being.

He would give Mister Shahbandar some time until he would intervene himself. After all, it would be better if the lord would become aware of his mistakes by himself.

Lionel looked at the clock and was startled. It was already 1 o'clock in the morning!

He hurriedly picked up the phone and called his driver: "Mihai, I'm sorry! I completely overlooked the time. I'll be right there, I'm still finishing the last letter."

Even though Shahbandar was reckless most of the time, he still felt sorry for having already stalled his driver for hours. Was he getting old? In the past such things had never bothered him, had his love for Saskia made him soft?




No, he did not love her! His mind must have already been confused by the late hour! Lionel groaned out loud. "You've really got to be kidding me?!" he grumbled to himself as he got up from his office chair and did some stretches.

He had clearly been sitting here far too long. Even the most expensive chair couldn't save him from neck and back pain. What he would give now for the skilled hands of his Sassy to massage him....

But he no longer had "his" Sassy. She was gone and, as if that wasn't enough, had quit. This fact gnawed at him and he was annoyed beyond measure about his huge weak spot, called Saskia.

Since he had had far too little exercise today, he went down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, he was already looking forward to his bed today. For fatigue just took him by surprise with full force.

Saskia lay on her bed and tossed and turned. Again and again she asked herself if it had been the right decision to take this step. Shouldn't she have sought a clarifying conversation? Somehow the behavior of her and her ex-boss was more than childish. Normal people clarified such things in conversations.

Immediately she remembered her former ex-partner. He was the reason why she had reacted so with Lionel. He had betrayed her in the same way and when she tried to talk it out, she was only humiliated and hurt. She didn't want to experience something so humiliating again, so she had immediately avoided talking to Lionel.

Even though she was a strong personality, everyone had a limit or a weak point somewhere. Most of the time it was just assumed that you always had to be strong, not even crying was allowed! Where did other people even get the right to make such rules.

Sia was already so tired, but the thoughts just wouldn't leave her alone. Single tears left her eyes after all. She didn't want to and couldn't be strong anymore, it just hurt way too much.

They both had a terrible night and couldn't really sleep.

Lionel got up early in the morning and took an almost cold shower. When he stood in front of the mirror, reasonably awake, he was horrified by his own reflection. Dark circles under his eyes adorned his face and his skin color appeared sallow. Grumpily, he completed his hygiene routine and, without eating breakfast, went to his office.

In the meantime, the documents of his ex-wife's real estate had arrived. Listlessly, he leafed through the building plans and photos. Admittedly, the small country house was quite nice. It also offered space for a few animals, since a small stable was included. But the price surprised him the most. Didn't she remember that he was a millionaire? Because the price seemed relatively cheap to him for the size. But when he looked at the location on the map, it became clear to him that it was actually worthless. At least for a real estate investment.

Still, looking at the small horse stud with the country house on site couldn't hurt. Even if the location itself wasn't worth much, it was close to the ocean in Norfolk County and he might be able to put a few horses there.

Lionel picked up his phone and called his driver, "Mihai, get the SUV ready to go. We're going to look at a property I might be willing to buy."

As soon as he finished talking, he rose and headed out. Shahbandar, for once, sat in as a passenger.

"Where may I go?" the chauffeur asked routinely.

"To Wolferton!" exclaimed Lionel cluelessly.

Mihai took a hissing breath and unconsciously held it. Could these still be all coincidences! Rattled through his head.

"What do you have? Do you know the area, for instance?" his boss asked him.

Mihai's head turned slightly red. What should he say now? He didn't want to lie, but he hadn't asked about Saskia either, so he just answered, "The area tells me something, I've been there before."

The lord was content with this answer and made himself comfortable in his seat while the driver drove towards Wolferton.

His Lioness (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now