Chapter 3 - New Fledglings

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A few years passed, and Coranna and Yumie were now winglets. Winglets came before Fledglings, and Whelps came after Fledglings and then you'd just become an adult dragon. Layla was almost a Whelp, and she was excited.

Layla lay in her nest, her tail sticking out. Echo peeked his head in, stepping into the cave he bit her tail. "Ouch, what was that for!" Layla said, staring at Echo. With a giggle, Echo replied "Sorry, I had to. I was wondering if you'd like to go hunting?" Layla stretched and got up.

"Hm, well I was actually assigned to train Coranna and Yumie. Damion doesn't know what their elements are yet, so he assigned me to train them since their mother is a fire dragon." Layla explained, as she pawed at a bug on the cave floor.

Echo seemed sad, as he didn't reply but just left. I want to spend time with him, but I need to help out with the Flock, Layla thought to herself. She loved Echo, and he loved her too. But she had been nervous about being mates with a different element of dragon. Coranna then ran into the cave, "Hey Layla, when are we going to train! I saw a nice looking deer down the mountain!" Coranna said, almost out of breath. Looking over at Coranna, Layla sighed.

As Layla and Coranna flew over the trees, Coranna noticed another mountain a few ways away

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As Layla and Coranna flew over the trees, Coranna noticed another mountain a few ways away. The mountain was very rocky, and appeared to have an old volcano that wasn't alive. She flew away from Layla and flew towards the mountain.

Layla swifty followed, where are we going, she thought to herself. As they stopped on a large rock- like tower, Layla glanced around. What was this place, she wondered. Then that's when Layla and Coranna saw other dragons.

Two brown dragons that looked alike were seen talking, one had messed up teeth that popped out of his mouth. "Arman, when do you think Rex's eggs will hatch?" The one with the messed up teeth said. Arman tilted his head, "I don't know Artemis, probably soon." Arma said.

"Who are these dragons?" Coranna whispered to Layla, Layla glanced over at Coranna. "I'm not sure.." She whispered back. These dragons didn't look like rogues, they looked like another flock. Nobody had told her about another flock. Artemis and Arman slowly began using their tails to push rocks into a pile, "Isn't it funny how us lava dragons have to eat rocks just to produce our elements." Arman said, as he began to eat a rock. "Hey, didn't Zurden want us to save the heap for the lava dragons? This is our food heap after all." Artemis said.

Arman glanced at Artemis and growled, "But I'm hungry now, and anyway Zurden is out right now. He's looking for lone dragons to join Stoneflock, since we are the smallest flock of the five." He said, scooping another rock into his mouth.

Five flocks? Layla thought to herself, she had never heard of the four other flocks. "Wait, there's four other flocks? How come you never told me about them." Coranna whispered to Layla. "I never knew about them either." She whispered back.

"Well, we are just a flock of earth, and lava dragons." Arman replied, glancing at his brother. Then a handsome red male dragon walked out, "Hey Artemis, Arman. How's it going with the food heap?" He asked. Artemis scowled at the other dragon, "It's going just swell, Glycon." He replied, glaring at Glycon.

"Do you know where Zyla is?" Glycon asked, stepping towards the heap. "Not sure, I think she's with Zurden. They are mate's afterall." Arman said. Glycon looked away, clearly upset. "Hm, I hope they find other female dragons." He mumbled as he walked back into a nearby cave.

Artemis looked at Arman, "I hate Glycon, he acts like he's so much better than us." He said, with a growl. Arman sighed, "Well brother, he's part of Stone Flock so we kinda have to deal with him." Coranna tried to position herself better, then a small rock fell from the rocktower.

Artemis glanced over towards the rock tower, "Arman did you hear that? I think we have some intruders." He said, stepping towards the rock tower. Arman grinned, "Let's have some fun."

Layla's heart began to beat, she didn't know this flock and certainly couldn't show her flame to them. "What do we do?" Coranna said, panicking. "We stand our ground, they're flock is smaller than ours." Layla replied, hopping off the rock tower.

Coranna quickly followed, her feet slipping a little as she was clumsy when nervous. Artemis and Arman stopped a few ways away, "Who are you?" Artemis asked them, his jaws slightly open. "I am Layla, and this is Coranna. We are from Shadow Flock, we both were unaware there were any other flocks." Layla said, confident. Arman glanced at his brother and began to laugh, "Brother, do you believe this? Two dragons completely unaware of another flock, what do they think of us to be, idiots?" He said, glaring back at the other two. "We're being honest.." Coranna said nervously, "I'm almost a fledgling and wasn't allowed to leave my flock's camp. I'm not sure why Layla doesn't know."

"I was taken in by Shadowflock, I haven't been told of any other flocks." Layla said, as she had flashbacks of seeing her mother killed. Artemis glared at them both, "Hmm. Alright." He said. "There are five flocks, we're one of them. And so is your flock. We're from stone flock." Arman said.

"I'd suggest leaving before our leader comes back." Artemis said, his fangs showing. "Come on Coranna." Layla said, as she flew off. With one last look at the brothers, Coranna flew off with Layla.

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