Chapter 11 - The Oracle

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Mousefur landed in camp, Kawan, Longtail, and Ashclaw hopped off his back. Stormybark snarled at Kawan, "Who is this?" She growled. Kawan's tail twitched as he looked over at the wolves, "I didn't think there would be so many of you." He said, sounding nervous. "He saved me, he's joining our pack." Ashclaw said.

Mousefur glanced around the pack, still in a dragon form. "Where's Whiteshade?" Daisyfang asked, looking around for her father. "He's dead." Mousefur said aloud, turning back into his wolf form. Willowfang snarled at Mousefur, as Badgerstripe showed his fangs.

"Your just like Redscratch!" Badgerstripe barked, as he walked side to side intimidatingly. "We have an oracle, there are four other wolves just like me who will help stop Redscratch." Mousefur explained. Daisyfang's eyes welled up with tears, as she ran off.

Mousefur sighed, "I wish Whiteshade was still here.." He mumbled.

Layla was eating a moose's leg hungrily, as her tail twitched side to side

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Layla was eating a moose's leg hungrily, as her tail twitched side to side. Cloud walked up to her and sat beside her, "I wonder what the packs are up to." He said. "Probably doing wolf things." Layla replied, nuzzling Cloud's neck. Cloud giggled, as he smiled.

Echo walked by, glancing over at the two. I thought she liked me, he thought to himself sadly. Cloud turned his head, looking over at Echo. Echo quickly looked away, as he walked off. Layla finished up her moose leg, as she stretched.

"What should we do now?" Layla asked Cloud, her cheeks pink. "Whatever you want to do, you're in charge." Cloud replied, with a smile. "Well, we could go hunting." Layla suggested, looking towards the forest. "We could do that." Cloud said, matching her gaze.

The two flew towards the forest, landing softly together. "I hope we find a bear or something decently good." Layla said, as she pushed through the weeds. Cloud glanced around, smelling the air. "I smell wolf." He said. "Hm, I didn't think any packs lived out here." Layla said, as she stepped forward.

A twig snap was heard nearby, as Cloud and Layla looked over. A brown wolf walked out, a tan wolf walked next to her. "Hm, dragons. They've found our hangout spot." The brown she-wolf said. "What should we do Rosyhowl?" The tan she-wolf said. "Well, we should practice our moves on them, they seem weak. Come on Lemonbark." Rosyhowl said, with a grin.

Rosyhowl ran forward, her paws smacking against the ground gracefully as her eyes began to glow green. "What's going on?" Cloud said, as he panicked. "They're magical!" Layla warned. Lemonbark's eyes glowed yellow as she ran faster than an average wolf. Jumping onto Layla's back, she dug her teeth into Layla's shoulder

With a roar Layla bit at Lemonbark, throwing her off as blood dripped from her arm. The bite force of that wolf is insane, she thought to herself. Roots came up from the ground near a tree as they stretched out towards Cloud, twisting around his body. Rosyhowl smiled, as her eyes glowed brighter. Cloud tried to pull away, but he was trapped.

Layla looked towards Cloud, then towards the wolves. I need to save him, she thought as her eyes began to glow orange. Lemonbark glared at Layla, her ears twitched. Layla shot out her golden flame, as it funneled towards Lemonbark. A vine swept from a tree nearby as it wrapped itself around Layla's snout, and yanked her towards the ground.

Layla tugged her snout, trying to get it free. Vines started to wrap around her body, pulling her to the ground roughly. Her wings, and legs were constricted from moving. Lemonbark glanced over at Layla, "You should let her free."

Rosyhowl didn't listen as her eyes began to turn to a tint of red, as she stepped towards Layla. The vines tightened around Layla's body as Rosyhowl walked closer. "Rosyhowl, let her go!" Lemonbark yelled. A vine whipped towards Lemonbark, smacking her towards the ground. Rosyhowl's eyes began to glow a bright red, as she giggled.

Redscratch walked out from some bushes nearby, her eyes glowing a dark red. She laughed as she walked up and stood alongside Rosyhowl, "Pathetic wolf." She murmured. Layla glared at Redscratch, alert. A shadow of a dragon up above, lured against the ground. A yellow dragon landed nearby, glaring at Redscratch.

The dragon's eyes glowed yellow-orange as he walked forward, his tail wished side to side showing a scorpion claw on the tip. The dragon let out a loud roar, which sounded like a call for help. A black dragon landed beside him, "You ready Haku." The dragon said, glancing towards Haku. "As ready as ever, Viper."

Redscratch howled, as lightning hit the ground near her. Layla watched in shock, as she tried to get free. Rosyhowl's eyes closed, as she fell to the ground. Tearing the vines, Layla roared. Running at Redscratch, she breathed her golden flame towards her. A red lightning bolt shot at Layla, zapping her body.

Layla cried out as everything seemed to slow down, she felt her body sting with pain as she slowly fell. Everything got blurry, as she got confused. Haku ran over, as Redscratch disappeared. Viper began calling out, his roar loud as it rang in Layla's ears. "Hey, can you hear me?" She heard Haku say, as her eyes slowly began to close.

Haku glared over at Rosyhowl and LemonBark, "Get those two, we need to get help." He said, looking over towards Viper. "I called other Tuhans, what do we do about the she-dragon?" Viper asked, "I'm not sure." Haku replied, as he stared towards the sky. "We have to find that red wolf, she is great evil." 

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