Chapter 7 - The Pact

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As Daisyfang ran through the forest, her paws barely touching the ground, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken. What if my father dies, she thought to herself. Now that Redscratch was alpha, the future for Grimpack was surely to be bad and full of chaos. She stopped outside the camp entrance of Frostpack, she needed to see her mother urgently. As she stepped inside the camp, wolves from Frostpack stared at her curiously. Tigerclaw walked over to Daisyfang, Shadefur walking behind her. "Greetings Daisyfang, might I ask why you're here?" Tigerclaw asked nicely, looking at Daisyfang in curiosity. Shadefur glanced at Daisyfang, a look of love in his eyes. "Something terrible has happened, my father is no longer the alpha of Grimpack. Redscratch fought him for the rank and has won, she's threatened to kill my father." Daisyfang explained.

Tigerclaw gasped in shock, "That's absolutely horrible! She's never liked nor agreed with the pact set between the packs and the flocks. She'll completely tear it apart." Tigerclaw said as she turned towards Shadefur. "Go retrieve Crookedtooth, he must know about this immediately." She said, worried. Shadefur nodded and ran off towards a big cave, most likely the alpha's den. Tigerclaw glanced back at Daisyfang, "We should tell Damien about this, he's the Shadowflock leader. It'd be right for him to know." She explained. Daisyfang nodded, as she ran back towards the trees. 

Daisyfang stopped at the entrance of Shadowflock camp, she felt nervous as she walked into their camp

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Daisyfang stopped at the entrance of Shadowflock camp, she felt nervous as she walked into their camp. A large black dragon with claw marks over his eyes walked over to her and stopped, "Hello there, state your business here." The dragon said. "I need to talk to Damien." The dragon stepped aside and nodded, "Very well, go on." He said. As Daisyfang walked over to a big cave, she couldn't help but feel nervous. Damien stepped out and glanced at her, as Daisyfang began to explain.

Redscratch stopped by a part of the forest which was the middle of all territories, the landmark was called "Meeting Grounds"

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Redscratch stopped by a part of the forest which was the middle of all territories, the landmark was called "Meeting Grounds". 4 alpha wolves were waiting for her there, as well as two of the 5 leader dragons. Hopping onto a fallen log she smiled, "As you all know, I'm the new Grimpack alpha." She said to the other leaders and alphas. Aiden, the leader of Silverflock, glared at Redscratch with hatred.

Arrow yawned, "Okay cool, so why did you send us here?" He said, eyeing Redscratch. Kaida sighed, "Arrow, you're a leader, you should be more respectful." She said, annoyed. Zurden's eyes glowed faint green, as vines twisted around his meeting stone. "Could the wolf just get on with it, everyone stop bickering!" He snapped.

Deathclaw glanced at Redscratch, "May I ask a question." He asked, his voice strong. Gruffpaw sighed as he looked over at Deathclaw, Darktail was on his rock watching closely. Redscratch glared angrily at Deathclaw, "What is it?" She snapped.

"You took down Whiteshade, called a meeting, and then just didn't explain what you needed?" Deathclaw said, eyeing Redscratch. "I called a meeting because we should change the pact!" Redscratch yelled out, angry. All the leaders stopped and glared at her, as for the alphas.

"You want to change the pact?" Zurden said, shocked. Gruffpaw laughed, "You're just one single alpha, what could possibly be your ideas of a new pact?" He said. "We should put more ranks, and make our boundaries clear. If other flocks or packs want a fight, that's their own fight." Redscratch said, an evil tone in her voice.

"I'll fight one of you to prove that we should follow this new pact." Redscratch beckoned. "Well who's the strongest leader out of all of us?" Zurden said, glancing around. Kaida stood up, and hissed. "Well if it's a fight you want to decide our new pact then lets go."

Darktail hopped off his meeting stone, "I'm the strongest alpha so I'll fight her next." He said, confident. Redscratch leaped off the log and howled, "Lets go!" She said, glaring at Kaida. Redscratch ran at Kaida, filled with anger.

Kaida opened her jaws, as lava shot out. Leaping over the lava spot, Redscratch clawed at Kaida's eye leaving a mark. Scraping her claw down Kaida's neck, she laughed. Sliding underneath Kaida's belly, Redscratch began clawing her belly.

Kaida hissed in pain, collapsing she began to cry out. Redscratch bit Kaida's neck and dug her fangs in, breaking through the tough scales. Darktail ran at Redscratch, ready to save his fellow flock leader. That's when Damien landed roughly and roared loudly, "Everyone stop!" He yelled out.

Redscratch stopped and glanced at Damien, "You can't stop me!" She growled, menacingly. Rain began to storm down, as the wind began to speed up. The sound of lightning shot down somewhere nearby, Damien snarled at Redscratch.

That's when a red lightning bolt hit Redscratch's body, she collapsed instantly as her body didn't move. Darktail gasped as he backed up, Damien stepped over to her and sighed. A red spark slowly shot out of Redscratch's mouth as she struggled to get up. Damien backed up, confused.

Redscratch glared around, her eyes glowing red. Electricity circulated around her body as she howled, mist drifting off of her eyes. With one last look at everyone, she ran away. Everyone watched her go in shock, confused by what happened. 

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