Chapter 10 - A New Ally

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Kawan trudged along the murky path, his paws full of dirt. Longtail and Ashclaw followed behind, they're coats dirty with water and mud. "Where are you wolves off to next? We're almost out of the jungle, the exit is just up ahead." Kawan said, looking back at them.

"Gora mountain." Longtail replied, as he stopped to shake some dirt off his paw. "I have heard stories of the great Gora mountain, there is rumor that there is a pack and flock of dragons and wolves who share territory of the mountain." Kawan said, stopping at the exit.

Up ahead was a large mountain, with birds flying up ahead. Ashclaw looked at Mousefur, "Is Mousefur okay?" He asked, worried. Mousefur was asleep since he got slammed to the ground by Freda. Kawan crouched down, Mousefur sliding off his back. "I am unsure." He said, a sad look on his face.

"Can we stop for a bit? I'm starving." Longtail asked, as he sat down. "Sure, I'll stay and watch Mousefur. There might be some squirrels or birds nearby." Kawan said, as he sat near Mousefur. Longtail and Ashclaw ran off, going to hunt. Mousefur's eyes opened, as they glowed brown. Kawan yawned, as he didn't notice Mousefur. Mousefur's body slowly transformed into a tiger, he was a brown tiger with a light tan muzzle. His eyes glowed brightly, as he looked around. Kawan turned his head and gasped, "Who are you, and where's Mousefur!" He growled at Mousefur.

Mousefur backed up, his claws unsheathed. "I am Mousefur." He responded, digging his claws into the dirt. Kawan hissed at Mousefur, "No you're not!" With a swift blow, Kawan left a scratch mark on Mousefur's snout. Mousefur hissed in pain, instinctively he clawed at Kawan's face.

Kawan caught Mousefur's paw in his mouth as he dug his fangs in, "I won't ask again, where is Mousefur!" He hissed. Mousefur's eyes glowed brighter as his body took the form of a snake. Hissing at Kawan, he curled up. Kawan tilted his head confused, "What..?" He murmured, confused.

Mousefur's body then took the form of a deer, large antlers on his head. "I don't know how to control this." He said, as he backed away from Kawan. Longtail and Ashclaw came back, glaring at Mousefur. "Kawan! Get that deer!" Ashclaw called out, as drool dripped from his jaws.

"Wait-" Kawan began, as Longtail ran at Mousefur. Mousefur swiftly turned into a bear, his eyes glowing bright. Longtail skidded to stop, his ears back as he looked up at Mousefur. "What the..." He mumbled in shock. "That's Mousefur." Kawan said, glancing up at Mousefur. "No it isn't, it's some kind of magical creature!" Ashclaw said.

Mousefur turned into a dragon, his tail flicked as smoke flared from his nose. "I am Mousefur, I have some type of power. We must go up to the Council." Mousefur explained, looking at them. Ashclaw backed up, scared and confused. "Your just like Redscratch!" Longtail growled, as he glared at Mousefur.

"No I'm not!" Mousefur said, turning back into his normal form. Kawan walked up to Mousefur, "I am not sure who Redscratch is, but is there anyone who can fix this?" He asked, trying to help. "The council." Mousefur answered back calmly.  

The four reached the top of Gora mountain, "We finally made it!" Ashclaw said, planting himself on the ground

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The four reached the top of Gora mountain, "We finally made it!" Ashclaw said, planting himself on the ground. Kawan looked around nervously, "I've never been up here." He said, shyly. "Neither have we." Longtail said, stopping to look around. Mousefur walked with his head low, ashamed that he had powers. A large white wolf walked over to them, his fur messy. "Greetings there travelers, might I ask why you're here?" The wolf asked, looking at them. Mousefur looked up at the white wolf, "I am the alpha of Grimpack, there are two wolves with strange powers. I am one of them." He explained.

"Powers?" The wolf asked, confused. "Mousefur, show him your power." Longtail said, glancing over at Mousefur. Mousefur's eyes glowed brown as he turned into a cheetah, brown spots on his black fur. The wolf gasped in awe, as he looked at Mousefur's elegant form.

"You are a Susi, and a rare one!" The wolf said, sniffing at Mousefur. "A Susi?" Longtail asked, puzzled. "Susi's are wolves granted with special powers, they come in all different types of powers. This one here is a shapeshifter." The wolf explained.

"Might we ask what your name is?" Kawan asked, feeling awkward. "I am Micco, I'm the very first wolf to start Grimpack." Micco explained, a smile on his furry face. "Are there any tigers?" Kawan asked shyly. "Sadly no, the flocks and packs share no land or connection to tigers. Infact, I am quite confused to see a tiger with wolves." Micco replied.

"He saved us." Ashclaw responded looking over at Kawan with a smile. A large glowing blue scaled dragon walked over, "Micco, who are they?" He asked. "Oh hello Dutag, these are visitors from the packs." Micco said. "Greetings." Dutag greeted them.

"How do I remove these powers?" Mousefur asked, still in the form of a cheetah. "You can't, it was granted to you. It will stay with you till you're dead." Micco said, looking over at Mousefur. "But I cannot lead like this, my pack will exile me." Mousefur chirped back, nervous. "Your pack mustn't exile you, for you are Alpha."

"Can a tiger join our pack?" Ashclaw asked, standing next to Kawan. "I suppose, I've never encountered a situation like this." Micco replied, sounding a bit puzzled. "I suppose we should be going." Longtail said, turning to leave. "No, we still haven't figured out Redscratch. She's quite dangerous, and wants to destroy the pact between dragons and wolves." Mousefur said, serious.

"Hmm, this sounds like it could be an oracle." Micco said, "Go get Red." He added, looking at Dutag. Dutag nodded and ran off. "Who's Red?" Ashclaw asked, tilting his head. "The wolf who is able to tell about Oracles." Micco explained, "He's the original starter of Bloodpack." A black wolf with misty red eyes walked over.

"You called me over, for an oracle check?" Red said, looking from Micco to Mousefur. "There is a threat in the packs, a threat towards our sacred pact. We need you to check for an oracle." Micco said. Red closed his eyes, his breathing slow. "What do you see Red?" Micco asked. "I see a large group of wolves fighting, some lying dead on the ground. There are dragons blazing fire loose on the trees, turning them to dust." Red explained, his eyes still closed.

"There is a red and white wolf, she appears to be the leader. I see her calling out to the other wolves, lightning surrounding her body. The wolves appear to listen to her, as if in fear of something." He added, "There is also a dragon, she's breathing a large flame, it seems she's trying to stop this battle."

"Now I see five wolves all standing together, with the red wolf in front of them. Each one appears to have their own special ability. The leader appears to be a brown wolf." Red said, as he opened his eyes. "I believe this Oracle is to stop whatever threat there is, you must find the other four wolves to help you."

Mousefur looked down at the ground, "So you're saying that to fight off Redscratch, it will take me and four other wolves.." He said, puzzled. "How do these wolves get their powers?" Longtail asked, curious. "Only the chosen ones are given them." Red said, as he bowed his head and left.

"I suppose we should get going." Kawan said. "I could probably turn into a dragon and take us home." Mousefur suggested. "You better not drop us!" Longtail snapped, growling a little. Mousefur laughed, "I won't." 

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