Chapter 6 - Enemies

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Layla opened her eyes, her head hurting badly. She was laying in a nest in a cave, it smelled of other dragons. A plant was wrapped around her snout, and wrapped tightly. Getting up, she stepped out of the cave. Flame was standing outside, he then glanced at her.

"Good morning, Layla." He said, as he bit the plant off. Layla shook the remaining plant off her snout, "What happened?" She asked, looking at Flame. "You almost destroyed an entire werewolf pack, so now you've officially made yourself an enemy." Flame replied, looking down a bit.

Layla tilted her head a bit, "I don't remember doing that." She said, confused. "Well now the Grimpack dislike you, but luckily they don't know what flock you belong to." Flame said, as he walked away. Layla sighed, she couldn't remember what had happened but she felt bad.

Coranna stepped over to Layla, "Hello Layla, I heard about what happened between you and Grimpack." Coranna said, looking away shyly. Layla sighed, even Coranna knew? She thought to herself. "I don't really remember what happened, and I suppose no dragon was a witness?" Layla mumbled, looking at Coranna. "Well, you're a Tuhan. I know that, and so does Liz and those two other Tuhan's who were said to have helped her." Coranna explained, as she sat down.

Layla's vision sparked, as she began to remember what happened. She began to see in her head, her fighting with Liz, trying to attack the wolves as she thought they hurt Coranna. Layla shook the memories away, as she looked at Coranna.

"I'm sorry." Layla said, as she went back into the cave and curled up in her nest. Coranna walked away, leaving Layla by herself. Layla kept herself curled up, she felt horrible for what she did and knew she needed to find a way to apologize.

 Layla kept herself curled up, she felt horrible for what she did and knew she needed to find a way to apologize

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Whiteshade slowly walked up the great session stone, glancing around his pack he breathed softly. "Attention Grimpack, I have called you all today for a session meet. As you all know, we were attacked by a very powerful dragon, who also injured another dragon in the process." Whiteshade explained, as wolves stood around the session stone. "If you all remember, there was a war once between us werewolves and the dragons. Our pact was to share territories between one of the five packs with every one of the five flocks." Whiteshade continued, "Another part of our sacred pack was that we mustn't hurt a member from either flock or pack."

Redscratch stepped forward, "Just get to the point already, Whiteshade. Or must I make a fellow suggestion?" She said, as she turned to glance at Grimpack. "We should do what we should have done from the beginning, make betas, make our boundaries clear, and become stronger!" Whiteshade sighed as he glanced at Redscratch, "Redscratch, the flocks don't have the same type of ranks as us werewolves do. If that were to become part of the pact, all alphas and leaders would have to agree together." He said, glaring at her.

"Well if you're not going to do it, then I think we should have a new alpha. You've done your time, and we both know it's time you've retired." Redscratch growled, as she stepped closer to the session stone. Whiteshade snarled, as he eyed Redscratch. "So who do you think should be our new alpha then?!" Whiteshade growled at Redscratch, as he jumped off the session stone. "Well I think I should become alpha. I'd make a much better alpha." Redscratch said, with a smirk. "If you want to be alpha, you'll have to fight me for it." Whiteshade said with a growl, as he crept closer to Redscratch.

"Alright then let's go, old man." Redscratch said menacingly, as she clawed at his face. Whiteshade snarled, diving at Redscratch he bit hold of her neck. With a swipe, Redscratch left a large claw mark on his shoulder. "You honestly think you're strong?" Redscratch scowled, as she shoved him off of her. She bit at his shoulder, digging her teeth in as she ripped out a tuft of his fur. Spitting it to the ground, she growled aggressively. The other wolves watched in fear, knowing they couldn't stop the fight.

Whiteshade ran at Redscratch, aiming for her neck. "I am your Alpha!" He called out, ready to attack. Redscratch swept to the side swiftly, and leapt on his back. Digging her back and front claws into his back, she began to bite him hard. Reaching out her paw, she clawed down his back left leg. Next she turned and clawed both his shoulders as she bit his neck, digging her teeth in as deep as she could. Whiteshade let out a whimper as he coughed out blood, his legs began to twitch as they were about to give out on him.

Redscratch kept her grip, digging her claws deeper into Whiteshades shoulders. Whiteshade sighed as he collapsed, blood leaking from his mouth. "Fine, y-you win." He stuttered as he gave in, weak from all his injuries. Redscratch laughed as she let go and leapt off, glancing around the others she smiled. "I am your new alpha everyone, Whiteshade is pathetic and you all are fools for looking up to him!" She growled, putting a paw on his neck. Whiteshade coughed, as he didn't dare make a move. "What are we going to do with him..?" Daisyfang asked, fear in her voice.

"Hmm, I'll allow him to stay in my pack. But if he tries to fight me, I'll kill him with my own fangs." Redscratch replied, stepping off of Whiteshade. Glancing around the pack, she began, "Today, I shall tell all the packs and flocks about what I believe shall happen. Now everyone, go do whatever you want. I have packs to talk to." Redscratch said as she ran off. Daisyfang ran over to Whiteshade, "Father! Are you okay?" She said, worried. Whiteshade coughed up blood, "I'm fine, just go find your mother." He struggled to say. Daisyfang glanced towards the trees, she needed to go to Frostpack to see her mother.

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