Chapter 5 - GrimPack

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Coranna and Badgerstripe stopped just outside the pack entrance, "Here we are, Grimpack camp." Badgerstripe said, as he stepped in. Coranna glanced around as she followed, the camp appeared to be tidy and had its own spot for things.

Wolves who lay together, some under trees, some in caves stared at Coranna. A red she-wolf with scratches over her eye walked over, "Badgerstripe, why is there a dragon in our camp?" She growled, a mean tone in her voice. "RedScratch, be nice. This is just a young dragon I found, all alone." Badgerstripe said, calmly.

RedScratch snarled as she walked away, Coranna watched her go in fear. A large white wolf stepped out of a cave ahead, "Greetings Badgerstripe, who is this?" The wolf said, glancing at Coranna. "This is Coranna, she's a young dragon from ShadowFlock. I was wondering if you could help me bring her home." Badgerstripe asked.

"Of course." The wolf said, as he stepped up on a rock. "Attention GrimPack, I will be calling some wolves forward to help bring this dragon home. I bring forth MouseFur, I will be assisting this journey as I know where ShadowFlock territory is." The wolf said.

Coranna looked at Badgerstripe, "Who is this wolf?" She mumbled. "Whiteshade, he's our alpha." Badgerstripe replied. Mousefur stepped forward, glancing at Coranna with interest. "Are all young dragons normally this puny looking?" He said, rudely.

Coranna hissed at Mousefur, "I am not puny!" She said, angrily. Mousefur only laughed, as he stepped over by Whiteshade. "Coranna, I was wondering if you could fly us there?" Whiteshade asked. "With you three on my back?" She asked. "Yes, if that's fine with you." Whiteshade replied. "Sure." Coranna said, shyly. Slouching to the ground, she waited as the three got on top of her back. With a flap of her wings, she was off. 

"Well thank you for your help Liz, I should be off

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"Well thank you for your help Liz, I should be off." Layla said, glancing towards the bush where Coranna was hiding. "Coranna you can come out now, the strange dragon is gone." She said, as Liz glanced over at the bush. "Coranna?" Layla said, nervously. "There was another dragon here?" Liz asked, glancing at Layla. "Yes, she's younger than I am. Her name is Coranna, she was hiding behind that bush." Layla explained, as she stepped towards the bush. Pushing the leaves aside, she gasped. "She's gone!" Layla said, fear in her tone. Liz sniffed the ground for Coranna's scent, "I smell a mixture of wolf. A member of Grimpack must have taken her, they most likely took her hostage." Liz said, a scowl in her voice.

"We must go save her!" Layla said, looking over at Liz in worry. "Follow me, I'll take you to Grimpack." Liz said, as she flew off. Layla followed, flying as fast as her wings would take her. "It's over there." Liz said, diving down. Layla followed, anger slowly building up inside her.As the two landed in the camp, Layla snarled loudly at the surrounding wolves. "Where's Coranna! We know you nasty mutts took her!" Layla growled at the wolves. Redscratch growled as she stepped forward, "She's dead, if you wanna know where she is." She smirked. Layla's body began to feel numb as she roared, running at Redscratch, she slammed her to the ground. "Shut up!" She hissed in Redscratch's face. Liz glanced around nervously, she didn't want Grimpack to see dragons acting this way. Redscratch then bit at Layla's snout, and dug her teeth in. 

Two wolves then ran towards Layla and leaped on her back, biting into her skin. Layla roared loudly in pain, as she pulled her snout away from Redscratch. Laughing sneakily, Redscratch then scratched at Layla's neck with her backlegs. Layla's eyes began to glow a bright golden, as she let out a loud menacing roar. A light furred she-wolf's eyes opened in shock, backing up she whimpered. "Guys.. that's a Tuhan!" She called out. A male wolf stepped beside the she-wolf, "We need our alpha, but he's not here." The wolf said, glancing over at Layla. "Longtail.. What are you thinking?" The she-wolf said. "Daisyfang, we are werewolves. We must protect our pack and our packmates." Longtail said, as he ran at Layla. Liz backed up, watching the fight. Daisyfang swiftly followed Longtail, ready to fight for her pack.

Layla grabbed Redscratch with her jaws and threw her against a tree, she got added strength from her ryk which was her Tuhan power. Hitting the tree, Redscratch slowly slid down the tree, leaving a trail of blood. Longtail pounced at Layla's neck, dragging his claws down her neck. Layla hissed as she grabbed Longtail with her claws, slamming him to the ground aggressively. Liz glared at the injured wolves, she needed to stop Layla. Longtail whimpered loudly, as he struggled to get up. Layla shook the other two wolves off her, and put one claw on Longtail as she pressed it harder against him. Daisyfang snarled at Layla, "Leave him alone!" She cried out. Layla glared at Daisyfang, hatred and power in her eyes. Letting out a hiss, Layla picked up Longtail with her jaws and threw him aside. She then opened her jaws, as a golden flame began to come out. Liz ran at Layla, biting her neck as she pulled her head down. Layla growled slightly, as her claws scraped against the ground.

Longtail glanced over at the two dragons fighting, blood dripping from his mouth. Daisyfang ran over to him, and nuzzled him. Redscratch coughed up blood as she got up weakly, blood dripping from her back. Liz dug her fangs into Layla's neck softly, and dragged her across the ground slamming her against a nearby tree, Liz snarled. Some wolves nearby watched in awe, as Liz protected them. Layla got up and glared at Liz, snarling. "Why are you protecting them!" She hissed. "Because they don't deserve to get hurt." Liz said, as her claws dug into the dirt. Layla snarled as she ran at Liz, reaching out her claw she scratched Liz across the face. Blood dripped from Liz's face as she coughed. With a smirk, Layla clawed at Liz's arm. Liz hissed in pain, as she breathed electricity at Layla.

Layla hopped to the side, dodging the blast. "Weakling!" She growled, as she bit Liz's snout. Pulling her head to the ground, Layla clawed at Liz's wings. Liz kicked Layla away, and roared. "Layla stop this!" Liz snarled, as her face bled. Layla laughed, "Never. Not until I've won!" She growled. Liz's eyes began to glow weakly, as she let out a loud roar. Layla clawed at Liz's snout, and bit her neck, shoving her down again. Liz's eyes stopped glowing, as she closed them. Layla let go, blood dripping from her mouth. Daisyfang gasped in horror, "That dragon is.. D-dead!" She said, in fear. A large yellow and black male dragon flew down, and landed gracefully. His eyes glowing black, "Step down, fellow Tuhan." The dragon said. Another dragon landed next to the yellow one, it was a grey dragon with glowing misty black eyes. "Liz, you okay?" The dragon said. Liz opened her eyes, "Gray, Haku.. you came.." She said weakly. "Protect the wolves.." Liz said, as she coughed up blood. Gray looked at Liz and then up at Layla, with a snarl he opened his jaws. A black smoke slowly glided out of his mouth, his body then slowly drifted in the shadow and drifted away. 

Layla glanced around, "Where did you go, pest!" She hissed. Then there was a scratch at her shoulder, Layla flinched and bit at the air. Haku walked over to the wolves, "Are you okay?" He asked, nicely. "Longtail is hurt, and so is Redscratch." Daisyfang responded, fear in her voice. Layla got bit on her back leg by Gray as she hissed, opening her jaws, her golden flame shot out. The golden flame danced it's way around her towards Gray, Gray's body went back to normal as he pounced on Layla. That's when Whiteshade and Mousefur came back. "What is going on!" Whiteshade barked out, glancing around. Haku looked over at Whiteshade, "I suppose you're the alpha, I suggest watching out." Haku said. Layla snarled loudly. Haku's eyes glowed brightly, as Layla's vision got clouded to darkness. "Haku, pass me some vines or leaves. Just pass me anything." Gray said, keeping Layla pinned. Haku pulled some plants apart in strips, and gave them to Gray. Gray wrapped the plants around Layla's snout, as he stepped off. Whiteshade growled, "Why are their dragons invading my pack?!" He said, angrily. Mousefur stood beside Whiteshade, as he was puzzled. "I am sorry, we are getting her out of here." Haku said, walking over to Whiteshade. Whiteshade snarled at Haku, "If I see dragons in my camp again, I will personally find your Flock and wreak chaos on it like you did our pack." Whiteshade said, menacingly.

Haku nodded, as he glanced over at Gray. "Let's go, you get the she-dragon. I'll get Liz." He said, as he walked over to Liz. Scooping her up, he softly put her over his back. Gray did the same with Layla, as the two flew off. Whiteshade watched them go, his fangs showing.

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