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half way to 600 mark! anyways, hope u enjoy reading this chapter. if you havent noticed, ive been trying to go for a very drama & intimate included story and id really love if you put your thoughts on it and leave suggestions 💟
i also might start making these chapters shorter so i can have more room for ideas and keep this story lengthy and long for yall

July 17th, 2019

     Zendaya and Tom had been quiet for a few weeks after their argument, though something happened. Tom and his close friend Olivia had grown even closer than they already were, and nobody knew so until him and Olivia were caught in public together at a festival matching outfits, they could be seen holding hands and getting close. It wasn't long until this news reached Zendaya. She was in disbelief and jumped to conclusions, was he doing this to make her mad after their argument, this same idea of hers kept on coming to her head until she was fuming. She thought he had gotten with Olivia to make her jealous and went in public on purpose, but she didn't let herself get extremely upset. She just took a deep breath and took her phone to text Tom.
"Hope you're having fun fucking that girl lol" She texted.
Tom saw the message and laughed, had he made her jealous unintentionally?
"You jealous?" He replied
"No 💁🏽‍♀️"
"Good because I am enjoying fucking her" Tom smiled at his remark towards her, he was sure he had pissed her off  because she left him on read. Tom was sitting with Olivia on his lap and kissed her, he genuinely thought he was in love with her and his feelings for Zendaya was gone. It clearly bothered Zendaya because she actually liked the idea of Tom being in love with her still, she liked how it felt knowing he had trouble letting her go but now it was gone, atleast they thought so. Tom really didn't think much of it but he should've been more mature about it because now Zendaya was going to make him regret it. She would do anything to crush Tom, she knew that Tom knew if he kept pissing her off she would ruin him. She warned him before, before they broke up.

Tom and Zendaya were in an intimate moment after an argument, Zendaya was looking at Toms lips with her hands on his chest. "Tom, if you ever piss me off like this. I promise you I'll tear you up. You know that, don't you?" she said then placing a kiss on his lips.
"I know." Tom said staring into her eyes.

Zendaya could be surprisingly toxic at times, only if you crossed her. Toms mind didn't go to there though, he completely forgot about what Zendaya would do if he pissed her off. He really should've clarified with her that he was over and done with her and he wasn't trying to make her mad otherwise Zendaya would get real mean, but unfortunately it was too late. She was gonna get mean and he would never realize it. She would cut him deep, and Tom wouldn't see it coming. Zendaya was already up to something, she texted Tom saying "I'm coming over." Tom raised an eyebrow, and immediately went to tell Olivia that she should go home. "Go home Olivia, I have to do something important." He got up pushing Olivia out and walked her to her car then gave her a peck on the cheek. "It's really important, I'm sorry." He said, but she didn't mind and just pulled out of the driveway.

About an hour and a half later, Zendaya showed up at Toms house and as soon as he opened the door she pushed him onto the wall. "Fuck you Tom, I told you what happens when you piss me off right? This was my last button, and you pushed it. Is that all you want to do now? Try to make me jealous over some argument you started? I'll shatter you like glass. Don't fuck with me." She said intimidating him. He was freaked the fuck out and confused, "Zendaya what are you even talking about? I love her—" Zendaya stopped him mid sentence.
"Stop talking, and stop acting stupid. You keep starting dumb shit with me, never cross me Tom." They were completely lost and misunderstood eachother but the both didn't notice it and it just rebelled them against eachother. Tom eventually lost his patience and threw her off of him. "Why the hell do you think you can come into my house and try to put me in my place? You broke up with me and now you're upset I got over you?" He yelled at her.
"Where did you even get that from? You know exactly why I'm mad, stop making excuses for it you bitch! Go ahead and have your relationship, I really don't care. But what you should care about, is yourself because I'll fucking come for you Tom." She turned to leave and got into her car, "Crazy bitch!" He shouted at Zendaya from behind. She flipped him off and got into her car. He just shook his head and went to bed since it was getting darker and darker.

— July 19th, 2019
     Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob were waiting for their flight to London for their press tours, Zendaya was not at all talking to Tom and was on her phone the whole time there. Jacob noticed this and asked them why they were so quiet. "Did something happen again? Come on, you guys need to stop arguing. It's not healthy!".
Tom looked up at Jacob and leaned towards his ear whispering, "Zendaya is mad because Olivia is my new girlfriend." Zendaya couldn't hear much of what he said but gave him a dirty look upon hearing her name and girlfriend in the same sentence. He just looked at Z and gave her the fakest smile ever and she just scoffed and looked at Jacob. "We aren't talking because Toms a dick and likes to piss me off about things he shouldn't be pissing me off about about."
Jacob responded with "Ah, okay." As if he understood but he did not understand a single thing that was happening, the only thing clear to him was that they weren't on good terms again so when the plane arrived, he tried his best to separate them from eachother. It was a long quiet flight, one of the most boring actually. When Tom and Zendaya weren't together, things were never fun. The closest they could get to fun is when they weren't about to kill eachother every few minutes. Zendaya had given Tom several death stares because he kept messing around near her and mocked her to Jacob. When they got to London, they went and booked rooms in a fancy resort. Fans swarmed them all around but Zendaya was not in the mood and ignored them all, Tom tried to cover for her and waved to all the fans.
"Zendaya is mad because I took her chips!" He said talking to the crowd around them trying to make it seem like Z was upset because of a playful argument. When they finally got to the private part of the resort, their rooms were sorted out. Tom would be sharing a room with Zendaya and Jacob would be sharing one by himself. Tom was bummed out by the room sorting but accepted it as it was, atleast they had two separate beds.
"Hey, Z. I'm sorry for messing around with you okay? But I seriously wasn't trying to make you jealous or anything with Olivia. I just got over my feelings for you and getting myself mentally sorted out, okay?" He said.
Zendaya looked up at him and gave a small smile, "Okay." She said
"..Okay." Tom replied. This was rare, Tom never apologized and it actually meant more to her than he thought. She tried to bring herself to forgive him for the rest of the night and she did but for some reason she still was upset.

Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob were sat next to eachother in an interview for Far From Home. Jacob had no idea whether they sorted their shit out or not because damn did they hide things well. When they were around people, they acted like the bestest of friends. Tom thought Zendaya was still upset at him so he often tried to talk with Jacob more. Zendaya just smiled awkwardly and answered the questions she was being asked. He still constantly made alot of eye contact with Zendaya like he usually would, he couldn't help it. Whether he still loved her or not, he loved staring at her beautiful eyes. The interviewer suddenly asked a question that caught them all off guard.
"So you also tagged Zendaya on your crotch?" The interviewer said.
Tom immediately jumped to defend himself, "That was an .. it was an accident!"
Zendaya gave him a look that basically said, "mhm, sureee"
He looked back at her stressed from everyone calling him out, "It was such an accident!"
He quickly tried to change the subject embarrassed, "Okay anyways! Theres this thing I really wanted to do with Jacob. The upside down spiderman kiss!" He said staring at Zendaya.
He could see her getting a bit annoyed but she went along, "Yeah, you go ahead and do that."
It was kind of noticeable how Zendaya wasn't as chatty as usual and how Tom hadn't been talking to Zendaya much during the interview.
Zendaya was eager for the interview to end, she was just so gloomy the whole interview, only giving smiles from time to time. About 20 minutes later, the interview ended. They all gave their goodbyes and went to several other interviews. They were tired, soon the day ended and they went back to their hotel. They all got ready for bed and headed to bed, Toms thoughts had only been filled with whether Zendaya forgave him or not. Her forgiveness is all he wanted now. While Zendaya on the other hand was focused on why she felt so sad. Hadn't she forgiven him?

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