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so excited for thisss, we're getting more into the plot!! i hope youve enjoyed it so far, and woah nearly 100 reads in a day? really proud of this story <3
reminder to vote for this story and play the songs in each chapter to feel how the chapter would feel

  Tom and Zendaya were in new york filming, they decided to distance themselves from their relationship due to their talk yesterday. It hurt to be apart from eachother but it had to happen.

  Tom was busy doing his parts, his stunts and all. Zendaya was in her trailer dreading her parts, she was exhausted and it didn't make it any better with her and Tom. Sometimes she wished he was never apart of her life, she wish she never met him but she knew if she didn't, her life would be worser than it is now. He was both good and bad for her, and it was the same for Tom except he had never wished not to meet her.

I was doing vanilla parts so far, until as of now. I had to some swings and flips from building to building all at once. It was going amazing until I slipped on a wet part of the floor while on my hands. I slid across on my stomach and hit a wall, "Ah, fuck!" I yelped in pain. People rushed over to me and everything I saw became blurry, luckily I hadn't passed out. I was dizzy from hitting my head though and everything hurt like shit. In this very moment, all I wanted to do was go and see Zendaya. Fortunately, she came rubbing her eyes confused and couldn't tell who was injured because everyone was crowding me, "What's going on? Is someone hurt?" she asked trying to make her way through, and there she saw me. She had a light gasp and went onto her knees holding me up in her arms, "Tom, what happened? Are you badly hurt?" she was fixing my hair and freaking out all at once. I tried getting up and cracked my back making it hurt even more, "What are you guys doing? Take him inside his trailer!" Z yelled. I didn't want to be too much of a bother though and I really didn't think it was too much of a big deal, "Z, I'm fine. I don't think I broke any bones." I said, my voice hoarse. It was a struggle getting up but not too difficult since people helped me. "Would you like to go to Zendayas trailer?" The director asked me since usually whenever I'm injured or unwell I'd crash in with her. it was a few seconds before I answered while Z was just standing there awkwardly at what he asked. I shook my head no and limped over to my trailer instead. I'd hope she understood why I declined in going with her because she wanted our distance more than I ever did, I took one glance at her before going inside my trailer and she was just sadly smiling at me, nodding for me to go ahead in. It sucked having to be on the other end of this where I'd usually be the one getting rejected by her but this time its not, I wonder if she felt this bad for me as I'm feeling right now every-time she did reject me.

I walked back into my trailer a bit uneasy and I know exactly why I felt like this. Why am I such a heartless person? I only ever want to be with him when he won't be with me, I hate me, I hate him, I hate everyone. He doesn't deserve me, I don't deserve him, he deserves so much better. Why were these emotions running at me all at the same time, what even is this. Love? Hate? Confusion. I want him to be happy, and even if he's happy while he's with me, I can't be happy knowing I don't know how I feel about him while being with him. Why was this so difficult? Why! I became aggravated and started throwing pillows everywhere and eventually stopped crying into my pillow. It wasn't long until I had to force myself to suck it up and forget everything and ignore my feelings because the director came knocking on my door. "Hey Zendaya! Everyones gonna go home now, filming is cancelled today due to Toms injury. Just letting you know — and by the way. Are you okay?" he stated and asked in concern, I rubbed the bottom of my eyes and tried my best to lighten up. "Uh, yeah. I'm good, my eyelash just got stuck in my eye." I let out an awkward laugh, he gave an unconvinced look at me but just said bye and turned to leave. I picked up my bags and Tom was still there sitting in his car with the door open still, I know we agreed to be apart but it was morally correct to go and offer him a ride home and my own needs couldn't help themselves. I ran up to Tom and gave a small wave, "Um, hey. You need a ride home?" I leaned against his car door. He took one look at me and shook his head, "Zendaya, I thought we weren't supposed to be nea—" I cut him off a bit annoyed, "Tom, this has nothing to do with us, I just want to offer you a ride home. Me being nice shouldn't be getting in the way of our agreement." I said sternly and calmly as possible trying not to be extra and start an argument, especially because he was hurt physically already. He scoffed, "Oh jesus, you confuse me." said in audible mumbles, I rolled my eyes at him and before I could say anything, he interrupted me as I interrupted him. "Woah, attitude." he said playfully making sarcastic motions as if he was scared. I ignored his antics, "Ride home, yes, no? No? Okay great, bye." I turned to leave but he grabbed me back my wrists. "Hey, I was only joking. If you really want to take me home, sure. My legs aren't injured and my hands are sort of fine though. Your choice." he said straightening himself up and unlocking his car. I nodded "Okay, do you need help getting to the passengers, or?"
He shrugged and slowly moved over himself, "What about your car, are you going to leave it here and drive me home?"
"No, Darnell dropped me off and was going to pick me up but I'll just tell him I'm going with you."
"Oh, so how was your day?" he casually asked as if we were friends.
"No, don't talk to me as if we're friends. You remember what we discussed right? Because you were just about to ramble about it a minute ago." I raised an eyebrow to him to see if he was mature enough to listen.
Surprisingly, he didn't argue back and we had a quiet ride home.

Zendaya walked Tom inside his house, though an awkward event happened. Tom had tripped on Zendaya due to their legs getting tangled. They nearly had an accidental kiss but it was easily distracted because now Zendaya was injured. Tom quickly got off of her and tried helping her in, and his guards noticed. Coming over to help Tom get her in, they sat her down on his couch. "Oh great, you tripped on me and now I'm the one hurt." Z complained and laid back on the couch with her arms crossed not knowing what to do next. Tom rubbed his face and walked upstairs, "Don't worry, I'll make sure we wont have to be in contact." he shouted downstairs then went into his room and closed the door. Atleast she had comfy clothes on, thats one of the reasons why Zendaya liked playing MJ, she got to act in comfortable clothes. Toms assistant came over to her offering her a snack, she fake smiled brightly and took the snack, "Thank you!" Right after she just took a nap. He actually came over to Z often trying to get to know her and offering help like, "Do you need some water?" "Do you need a blanket?" "How's acting going?" just a bunch of things in attempt to strike a conversation. Z wasn't stupid and noticed this, he made her a bit uncomfortable and she tried her best to not make it weird. But he just kept coming over and it got annoying, eventually he started to sit with her on the couch. She didn't say anything though, she was scared maybe she had taken it out of proportion.
Tom was sat in his bed, he called several times for his assistant and he wasn't coming. He was curious as to why he wasn't and limped downstairs to see him sitting next to Z watching a movie. He got jealous and yawned, "Hey, jack! Aren't you supposed to be my assistant?" It was no question though, Jack got frightened and immediately got up. "Yeah, sorry. I thought you'd like if I gave her company since you can't."
Tom was a bit offended on him saying he couldn't give her company, "Oh, I can, I just choose not to. And I appreciate that, but is a movie not too much? I think you should go home." It made sense to send him home but most of it was because of Toms own feelings. Zendaya smiled a bit and hid it, she loved seeing him get jealous. His jealousy was obvious to no one but her. Tom saw her little smile and shouted from upstairs, "And what are you smiling about? I only kicked him out because he wasn't properly doing his job." Zendaya puffed her cheeks out and just gave him a look that said "Sure." He gave her any annoyed smile the went back into his room. It was kind of a bummer he went back into his room, she enjoyed those few seconds of him just talking to her. It was boring and Zendaya soon fell asleep for the night.

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