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Tom scoffed a smile at the missed calls from Zendaya, he couldn't believe it.

How could she love him after their mentally abusive relationship? Or HER mentally abusive relationship, I mean he hadn't done anything to her right?

He scanned through the paragraphs of paragraphs in the messages she had sent him around an hour ago.

He still hadn't opened the voice messages, he was too scared. He was scared to hear her cry, he knew he was sensitive to hearing someone he loved for so long cry. Especially because she never really cried around him, and if she did, she would run off to the restroom to hide her face.

His fingers laid still hovering above the play button for the voice message. He sighed aggressively, throwing himself flat on his back against his bed.

flashback !!

"Zendaya shut the fuck up!" Tom yelled, he took a big step towards Zendaya, who was hugging her knees, sobbing silently.

"Stop yelling at me Tom!" Her voice trembling, she quickly wiped her tears away, then looked up at him. As if she was never crying.

"How could I not yell at you? You've been sobbing for the past 20 minutes!" He furrowed her eyebrows at her, shaking his head.

There was silence, and pure tension. "Well maybe don't physically hurt me to the point where I have bruises." She blurted out, her eyes staring straight at Toms.

Toms angry eyes turned into sad ones, his eyebrows raised. He ran for Zendayas wrists, seeing the bruises he put on her. "Fuck Z, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Stop touching me, you dick." She pushed him off of her. "Just because you got your hands on me doesn't mean anything, you aren't shit to me, Tom. Leave me alone." She yelled, putting her hands on top of her wrists hiding the bruises.

Tom got up, and grabbed her by the arm gently. He pulled her down to the bed, kissing her. She gave in, kissing back, her arms wrapping around his neck. Tom pulled away, "You love me, right?" he said, his voice soft but slightly raspy. Zendaya shook her head, "Kissing means I love you? I didn't know that." She rolled her eyes at him, pulling him back into the kiss.

Fights were either resolved that way or by walking away.

end flashback <3
Tom kicked his feet, while on his stomach. He was texting Nadia, talking about how his day went. He needed this, he needed the distraction.

"come over then tom? 💘" Amber sent Tom, he sighed. Thinking if he should or not, and if he did, what would happen? He said "Fuck it." And got up, grabbing his car keys.

He walked down to the front door, and before opening it, he rubbed his eyes, and leaned himself against the wall. It felt so wrong, but nothing was wrong with it. It felt wrong because only Zendaya popped up in his head.

Tom in his car, eyeing his phone. It was still on the voicemail Zendaya, he was trying so hard to fight his urges to play it but he couldn't stop himself. He tightly shut his eyes as soon as he got to a stoplight. He was eager but hesitant to hear what she would say.

"Tom, I'm sorry you have to see or hear all these voicemails and texts but please. I'm sorry, I don't love you so don't hate me. Well I mean I do love you, but if it makes you feel better I don't." He could hear Zendaya laughing in the voicemail, but then he heard sniffles. "Look, I am so sorry Tom. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. I just don't want to end it like this. Please, can we meet up or something, I'm not gonna manipulate you into being with me." She stuttered on the last part as if she was forcing herself to say it, before the call ended he heard her say I love you, which faded into cries until the voicemail stopped.

He huffed, his eyes completely empty. All guilt rose in him, he hadn't done anything to hurt her that badly, she deserves to be there crying.

He turned his phone over gently and continued to drive until he got to Nadias house.

About 30 minutes pass by and Tom is at Nadias house cooking, Nadia takes videos of Tom cooking, laughing and all sorts of silly things.

Nadia got up, putting her phone down. She walked to the stove where Tom was and turned him around, kissing him on the lips. "Nadia-" He tried to say but decided to stop, grabbing her face for more. He deepened the kiss, holding onto her cheeks as she had her hands holding against his waist. She reached up to his neck, untying the apron in him. It fell to the ground, and he quickly switched them around, Tom being the one pinning her against the counter. She had a low gasp, in reaction to Toms aggressiveness but went with it, giving Tom more guidance.

Nadia started taking Toms shirt off, and before she could. Tom pulled away, his hand falling onto the counter from her cheeks. "Wait, Nadia. Wait." He said, looking down, heavy breathing, he held his forehead trying his best to ignore the guilt from before. "What's wrong Tom?" She asked, leaning her head down to see Toms face. "I can't, I'm sorry. I can't do this, I just have alot on my back right now." His eyes turning to look at hers, as his breath hitched slightly.

Nadia put her arms on toms neck, hugging him. "No, its okay. Let me calm you down then, yeah?" She insisted, moving her lips right above his neck.

"Nadia stop, please. I think we should eat-" His words turned into a gasp as he felt her cold hand touch up against his abs. "Okay, wait. I'm sorry but I told you we can't." He reminded again. She lifted her head away from his neck, "Tom, why not? We're already in the mood." She said, while her eyes focused on his neck where her lipstick marked against. "I know and I'm really sorry but this'll just make me feel worse." He backed away from her and grabbed his keys, "I need to go, I just remembered I have work tomorrow. Bye Nadia." He gave a sincere smile before closing the door. She was in slight disbelief, had he really just left her there like that?

Zendaya was sitting in the area of a coffee shop that was reserved for her and Hunter so they wouldn't be bothered by the paparazzi. "Seriously? He blocked you and got mad at you for confessing to him?" Hunter was furious.

"Yeah, but its okay. I mean I get it. I hurt him."
She replied trying to brush it off but Hunter didn't allow it, "No, he hurt you too." She decides to mention which leaves Zendaya confused. "No he didn't?" Her eyebrows raise, drinking her coffee. "When you tell your best friend things, they aren't gonna forget it." Hunter continued, purposely teasing Zendaya. It was a bit surprising to her that she could forget something like that though.

Zendaya finally snapped, "Okay, just tell me, how did he ' hurt me ', I'm curious because I don't recall." Hunter looked her up and down, "Bruises? Pressure? Anger?" She titled her head each time she said a word, trying to get Zendaya to understand and she did. "Oh, that."

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