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rmbr to play the songs @ the top of each chap!!


I opened my eye slightly, feeling pouncing against my leg. I laid there for a few seconds staring at the ceiling, trying to really wake up.

I leaned up from the pillows seeing noon panting with his tongue out.

I figured it was time to take him out for a walk or something.

"Come here baby, you want a morning hug?" I said in a low tone, extending my arms out motioning for him to come on my lap.

And he did, he practically teleported over kissing me all over my face. "Who's a good boy? You are!" I praised Noon, tickling him while patting his back.

I played with noon long enough to wear him out, I needed to get ready before doing anything else with him.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it to see my messages, FLOODING, with notifications. And I mean flooding.

My eyes widened, nose scrunched, and grip tightening around my phone.

I sat back down on the bed, hesitantly opening the app.

I had at least 10 missed calls from Timothee and my manager, "What the fuck." I huffed, pressing on the messages from Tim first.

"z, holy fuck!"
"are you awake?"
"im trying not to panic"
"its getting hard to not panic when you arent answering!!"
"okay whatever, theres a rumor going around about us"
"it isnt a small rumor"
*10 missed calls*

I furrowed my eyebrows, I could feel my heart racing faster as I read each word. I had to check my managers messages as well, and I was especially scared of it.

"Zendaya, arranged meeting happening at 3:30 PM. Don't be late, its important."

I swore underneath my breath, holy shit I was scared. I don't even know what this is all about.

My curiosity took over me and I went to twitter seeing 99+ notifications, which was usual but it wasn't so usual when I opened them.

"@dayaluvrz and 99 others tagged you in a post"
"@chrlisholland: whats going on w you and timothee, wtf?"
"@haileesbow: nah i aint even gon say nun, yall better have broken up before you got with mr chalamet LMAOO😭"

I held my head trying not to pass out but I was seconds from passing out when I clicked to see photos of me and tim together in the trailer from yesterday, with completely different CONTEXT.

"Holy shit, what the hell? Who took this picture." I rubbed my cheek, feeling how burning hot it was.

I paced to the bathroom washing my face, I had no fucking time today. So much for a ' new year, new me '.

I was booked for basically the rest of the next few weeks with the NWH premiere, dune filming, interviews, press tours, and you get the point. Then this comes up, out of no where, this really had to be a dream. I can't get enough.

I was sitting in-front of my vanity doing my makeup, eyeing my phone for any new messages. And I was met with a message but disappointedly, not the person i'd like it to be from.

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