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NO WAYY WE'RE GROWING SO FAST, TYSM FOR NEARLY 3K READS. REMINDER TO PLAY THE SONGS ON EACH CHAPTER TO FEEL IT MORE, (ps im sorry, im gonna be using this song alot, i love it sm and i feel like it fits the storyline well)

"I'm not in love with him!" Zendaya yelled at her parents as they were having a talk downstairs at the dinner table. Her father gave a stern look to her, "Calm down, and don't yell at your parents. It's the truth, you need to realize it." He said shaking his head subtly in small disappointment. Z brought her hands up to her face trying to hold back her tears, she really didn't believe love for him, from her existed. Her mother sighed, laying her chin on the palm of her hand, "Oh honey, you're so sweet, amazing, everyone loves you, and you have supportive friends, why is it so hard for you?" Thats it, that broke her. She was sobbing struggling to get words out, "I don't love him, why don't YOU believe me?" She was stuttering, voice cracking, tears dripping down from her hands. "You do, but you don't want to believe it because you lost him. You lost him a long time ago, you brainwashed yourself. Thats why you're like this." Her dad said, and he was right. He was always right, he slid a cup of water over to her but she couldn't even pick it up. Her hands were shaking, her whole body was shaking, she was crying uncontrollably. Her mother raised an eyebrow starting to get concerned, "Hun, are you okay?" no answer.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't feel a thing, I was hurting, mentally and physically but mostly mentally. No sounds came out of me but sniffles and attempts of trying to breathe. I couldn't breathe, I started to get dizzy and everything went black. The next thing I knew I was laying on my dads lap while my mom was sitting beside me with an ice pack on my head. I heard the doorbell ring and a shadow walked in, they bowed down their head to my parents then made their way next to me. I was trying to make out who it was, but I couldn't. "Who?" Was all I managed to get out, they shrugged, "I don't know." A strong British accent spoke. My eyebrows furrowed, I was nearly about to freak out again. "No, no, no." I tried to yell out. I can't handle being around him anymore, I don't know why. "What? I'm going to stay." Tom said a bit confused. I shook my head rapidly, "No please. I can't have you here, leave." I quickly turned towards the other way facing the cushions of the couch so he wouldn't see me cry. "Zendaya, I'm not gonna try to buy your love back again. I don't love you, its nothing more than caring for you. Okay?" He grabbed onto my shoulder gently tugging on me so I'd look at him. "Stop touching me!" I yelled throwing his arm off.

Tom was straightening up, and patting dust off his button up. "Right, I'll be going then. Thank you for letting me see her." Tom left out the door and as soon as we heard the sound of his car starting, I sighed out of relief. I was at ease, I felt more alive. "You love him Z." My mom said. I groaned, "No I don't! Don't you see how happy I am now that he left? I'd cry if I loved him."
"Or you're happy he left because your emotions are bottled up and whenever he's near you, you can't control yourself because you brainwashed yourself. Whatever you say ms. Coleman." My mother replied, tucking my hair behind my ears. "No, I just.. I just liked being loved and now that I've said that, I hope it makes it more clearer." I crossed my arms, my eyes were red with giant eye-bags underneath them. "Thats true, but I don't think that's all of it. You like being loved, but you also get bored of it and soon sick of it. You ever think about how much you hurt Tom?" I decided not to answer, but no I haven't ever and won't. His feelings aren't worth to take into consideration, fucking asshole.

Zendaya went and took Noon out on a walk, on the way, Tom was still outside on her street. She turned the other way rushing back home but Tom caught a glimpse of her and ran after her. She tried pushing him off but he wouldn't let go, "Let go!" He turned her around to face him, placing his hands on her cheeks. "Hey, hey, what's wrong with you? Stop acting so cold around me now that I've told you the truth. What are you, 5? Stop crying and be mature." Tom said in a rough tone. She looked down at the ground, he never was like this to her before. Tom lifted her head up, "Look at me, you can't do this for the rest of your fucking life." She leaned her head away from him, "Well I don't plan to be seeing you for the rest of my life." she somehow managed to get out. He scoffed, rubbing the back of his neck, "You fucked me up so much while you're living the life completely happy, you can't just ignore me like this now. So what if I don't love you? You didn't care when I loved you before." Before he could say anything else, Zendaya slapped Tom in the face. "You dick! You don't have a single idea of what goes on in my life, so don't assume shit." He rubbed his cheek, "Clearly I shouldn't care enough about what goes on in your life if you never cared about mine." He held her wrist so she wouldn't try to slap him again. "Is that what it's all about? I know I'm selfish, a bitch, whatever but it isn't my fault." She said walking closer to him, staring him in the eyes showing her glassy eyes. "I know Zendaya, and that's your problem. It never is your fault." He put his hands on her shoulders, Zendaya started to cry more. He pulled her in for a hug, one arm around her head, the other around her back. "Look I'm sorry, but you need to understand why I don't love you anymore and not act like a bitch. It's not a breakup Zendaya." She looked down at him, "Thats not what its about." She said knowing damn well thats all she cared about. He sighed, staring her up and down, "You confuse me so much. And if you really can't take it, we can stop talking to eachother." She couldn't handle it, she wanted him to stop talking and broke down onto the floor with her dog running over on her lap. "Zendaya, come on. What do you want? Tell me, stop talking or talk? Maybe its time we parted, its been like what, 3-4 years?" He said, answered with no response. It was happening again, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't feel anything, all she felt was pain.

Zendaya pushed Tom back and ran back home. She ran into her house, up to her bedroom and started crying into her pillow. Did he have any right to say those things to her? Did he have to humiliate her like that? Even if she did the same to him all those years? Was this a taste of her own medicine? She was so fucked up, and was beginning to believe she loved him. "No, no. Do I love him? Are they right? Why do I feel this now?" She only felt like this now that he told her he didn't love her.
short chapters, super busy sorry <3

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