14 (scrap chapter)

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hii, this story might end v soon, might end on either this chapter or the next few, its a little sad but yk. ill be starting a new story after, its a euphoria x spiderman crossover!!

It had been a year since Tom and Zendaya had their little quarrel, Zendaya had realized she was in love with Tom, she could never get in contact with him though and also because she was scared to tell him. It felt like how it felt when they met, except the roles were reversed. Zendaya was the one chasing for Tom, and Tom was out and about living his life. He was finding himself and tried his very best to avoid any encounters with Zendaya. All day, and every day, her mind was filled with Tom. He was forming a relationship with Nadia though. She envied Nadia, she hated her, she took what was hers.

Hunter and Zendaya were having a chat in the coffee shop. "Zendaya, I told you. You love him, everybody told you. Why're you coming to me about this now? This is on you." Zendaya rolled her eyes, "Blah, blah, blah. Okay, I know. You told me so, and I didn't listen." Hunter was getting tired of Zendaya. "Zendaya, i'm serious. What's wrong with you? He'll never be ith you if you wont just tell him now." She rubbed her head out of stress. Zendaya nodded, "I know. I'm fucked up, I wasn't in a good state. I didn't care about anyone but myself. If I tell him now, he'll just laugh." Hunter kept urging her to do it. Zendaya considered it and finally agreed.

When they were finishing up filming for No Way Home, Zendaya got up and pulled Tom with her to a dark corner, pinning him on the wall. "Zendaya? What do you need?" He asked a bit confused. "Tom, Tom please don't leave. I don't need anything, all I really need is for you to listen." He looked at the other side to see if anyone was looking at them. "Okay, go ahead." She sighed, and tried to speak but no words came out. Her eyes got teary and she turned the other way so he wouldn't see her cry. He stood straight up and put his hands on Zendayas arms, "Hey, hey what's wrong?" He pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm just having a tough time." She shivered, Tom could feel the vibrations from her crying, his body against hers. "No, its okay. I'm listening. Just talk, okay? No pressure." She cried again, Tom was too good for her. "Tom, I love you. Not just as a friend, I love you so fucking much. I always have, I didn't want to realize it because I was selfish and so stupid. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I ruined you. I love you too much to let you go. I can't live without you. I know I hurt you, and this isn't me asking to be together again. This is me asking you to not leave me, I don't care if you'll hate me behind my back. I just—" Tom interrupted her. "Calm down, I know. I love you too." He said smiling, tears coming out of his own eyes. He took a deep breath before continuing, hugging Zendaya tighter. "I forgive you, I know how you feel. I love you so much. Its you, It always has been." He stammered mid sentence, quieting down as he heard footsteps approach. He pulled her to the side, hovering over her. "I never stopped loving you." Her face buried into his chest.


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