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Kiana: "Who.. are you?"

She looked at you wide-eyed.

Y/N: (She.. doesn't remember who I am?)

You're a bit taken aback by her answer so you didn't respond immediately. While you're still a bit lost on your thoughts, she noticed that you've been holding her hand all this time.

Kiana: "Why are you holding my hand like that?! L-let go of me you pervert!"

She quickly pulled her hand away from you and then she slapped you but you barely gave any reaction to it.

Y/N: (She really don't know who I am. What should I say to her? I don't want to give a bad impression to her!)

Kiana: "Where am I? These.. are not my clothes... You! Did you just take my clothes off while I was asleep?"

Y/N: "What, no I didn't. Let me explain first."

Kiana: "I don't wanna hear it! Get away from me you pervert! Pervert! Pervert!"

Before you can explain anything to her, her loud screams has already woken up another patient inside the medical bay. And that another patient happens to be Bronya.

Bronya: "Uhh..."

She's holding her head as she woke up with dizziness. She looked around the place and then her eyes landed on your face.

Bronya: "You're.. subject Y/N? Why are you here? Where.. are we?"

Y/N: (Uhh.. 'subject' Y/N?) "I'm glad that you remember me, Bronya. We're-"

Kiana: "Bronya, don't talk to that guy! He's a pervert!"

Bronya: "Subject Kiana, I don't think he is-"

Suddenly, another scream was heard inside the room. But this time, it's a scream of a grown up man.

Welt?: "Ahh! Why are you here?"

Y/N: "You? Why are you being treated here?"

Welt?: "I don't know anything, I swear! Don't get any closer to me! Please don't do that thing again!"

Y/N: "Relax, I'm not gonna-"

Kiana: "Oh my God! What have you done to that man? I knew it! You're a bad man and a big pervert!"

Y/N: "It's not like that, just let me-"

Welt?: "He's done bad things to me, he's a monster!"

Feeling irritated from all the interruption, you screamed loudly to make them stop.

Y/N: "Quiet!"

Everyone stopped. But all of them is now looking at you with fear, even Bronya does too. After a while, you finally realized that the aura of the 12th Herrscher that you always suppress inside you is leaking out for some reason.

Y/N: "I'm.. sorry." (Why does it have to be now of all time?)

Suddenly, you felt weak and tired. Your legs were having a hard time to support your body. As you tried to walk away from the room, your legs gave in and you lost your balance. Fortunately, Himeko was there to stop you from falling.

Himeko: "Captain, we heard loud noises and we came here as soon as we can. What happened? Are you alright?"

Besides Himeko, Theresa and Mei also came into the room.

Y/N: "Himeko.. I don't know.. I feel so tired all of a sudden."

Theresa: "Himeko, take him to his room and make sure he gets enough rest."

The Beauty of This World (Honkai Impact 3rd x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora