《 Chapter 5: Dance Fight 》

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Sonic, Y/N, and Tails are struggling to get through the harsh snowstorm, but it was too strong and they're all covered up in snow.

"I absolutely cannot find my way! We completely, totally, unequivocally lost!!" Sonic shouted.

"No kidding!! Thanks, Sonic!" Y/N sassed.

Tails looks through his device called Miles Electric.

"Sonic, Y/N! In this weather, there's no way we can get any readings on this thing! Should we go back?"

Sonic, however, spots a public restaurant nearby.

"No, no, no, no! There's a light up ahead! Maybe we could take shelter in there!"

"Are you sure? Remember the last time we went into the bar?"

"This is different!"

Sonic, Y/N, and Tails heads over to the cabin. Sonic looks over the snowy hill and sees winter clothes and goggles.

"Ah, perfect!"

"Are you sure about this? We don't know who's inside." Tails asked in concern.

"Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea." Y/N added, remembering the bar incident.

"Don't worry! On Earth, people are very welcoming and love taking complete strangers into their homes." Sonic assured with a smile.

"Yeah, right." Y/N rolled her eyes.


Inside the cabin, men and women are chatting in the table loudly with smiles and cheers. Some of them are dancing through the music while the waitress is serving them. The door opened loudly with a creak to reveal Sonic, Y/N, and Tails in their winter clothes disguises. They get an icy and threatening reception from the patrons. One man turns with a scar on his face right where his left eye is. Sonic and Tails gasped while Y/N just stared. They turned to see another man sitting next to the other and stabbed the table with his knife.

Sonic and Tails gasped again and turned to the old lady in a rocking chair, knitting. They sighed in relief, but then she turned to them and showed a knitted skull face. They screamed again as Y/N looks ready to fight them off. The Butcher cuts off the head of the fish, causing to fall and go rolling towards them.

"Run." it said before dying in that spot.

Tails begins to faint if it wasn't for Y/N catching him. Sonic quickly change the atmosphere.

"Table for three, please!"

They're now sitting in the table as the waitress gives them menus. She asked them what they want in Siberian language.

"Three beef stews, please." Tails said.

His Miles Electric translated for him in a same language as hers. The waitress rolls her eyes and takes away their menus rudely.

"Where'd you get all these cool gadgets?" Sonic asked in admiration.

"I invented them. That's... kind of my thing. In fact, my inventions is how I discovered you two. Remember that night at the baseball field? Your energy blast reached all the way to my home planet. I saw you two save your whole village from that crazy mustache guy."

"Wait, so you've been watching us this whole time?" Sonic asked in surprise.

"Even in the shower?" Y/N cringed, slightly backing away.

"Ah, that's a trick question. Sonic the Hedgehog prefers bubble baths. Y/N the Hedgehog prefers privacy and sauna."

Sonic and Y/N were in awe.

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