《 Chapter 7: Separated 》

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Meanwhile in Hawaii, Rachel and Randall's weeding ceremony is underway, in a beautiful decorated altar where Rachel and Randall stands in the center. Jojo comes over to the couple with two golden rings on a pillow. Randall picks one up and faces Rachel. Then they heard a noise and turned to see a biplane arranged by Randall flying a banner tributing the couple by "Rachel & Randall 4eva". Everyone clapped at the show. Rachel turns to him surprise.

"Did you?"

Randall answers by kissing her hand. Meanwhile, Sonic pulls out his phone and begins to call Tom. Y/N looks back at the avalanche that's coming close, causing her to panic.

Meanwhile, Knuckles was looking back to where Sonic and Y/N have gone. He was beginning to worry for what's going to happen to her.

"Wait! We need Y/N! She can help us find the Master Emerald!"

"What?! Why?"

"She has the key to unlock the power of the Master Emerald."

"You sure??"


Knuckles jumps off the Egg Mobile and snatches the panel he dropped earlier and skids after Sonic and Y/N.

Back to the wedding ceremony, Rachel and Randall are looking at the pastor who was holding a book they used at weddings. The pastor spoke to them about their loyal commitment.

"These rings signify the--"

He was cut off by "Green Hill Zone" ringtone coming from Tom's phone. They all look at him as he struggled to find his phone.

"Oh! Ha! Sorry! Got to leave it on silent."

Tom declines the call and puts his phone away. Rachel glares at Tom for a moment before turning to Randall. Pastor begins to speak again..

"These rings--"

Sonic calls again, much to Tom's annoyance as everyone gave him a glare.

"So help me, Thomas!" Rachel yelled in annoyance, squeezing her bouquet of flowers.

Tom picked it up to see Sonic's text message.


"Okay, sorry, sorry. Excuse me. It's an emergency. Sorry."

Tom gets up from his seat and walks away to avoid interrupting their wedding. Once he's far away, he quickly answered it as their faces comes in view from the video.

"What?! This better be important I just--"

He stops to see Sonic and Y/N snowboarding through the avalanche.

"Are you two skiing?"

Sonic's voice spoke on the other side of the line.

"Snowboarding, actually! But we need your help now! Life or death situation this very second! I need you to use the ring I gave you to save us. Like, right now!"

"Yeah, and hurry! I don't know how long we can keep this up!" Y/N shouted, looking over at Tails with worry.

"Okay, slow down, slow down! I don't even know where you are!"

"You just gotta picture where you want the Ring to go! So picture this!"

Sonic turns his phone for Tom to see a snowy forest of Siberia.

"Oh, my God. Okay, okay. Hang on."

Tom digs into his pocket and finds the golden ring. He proceeds to throw the Ring, but nothing happens.

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