《 Chapter 6: Snow Chase 》

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Not long after, Sonic and Y/N are being carried through the mountains by Tails.

"Hoo hoo! Today's forecast calls for clear sunny skies and a 100% chance of adventure!"

Tails' Miles Elecric beeps loudly.

"I pinpointed the coordinates. It's right up ahead."

There, they find a giant snowy mountain.


"That's big!"

They went inside the mountainside as Tails gently put them down.

"Hey Tails! Wait up!"

They find an ancient temple with a giant statue of an owl on the door.

"Whoa!" Y/N gasped in awe.

"Okay, we got a giant owl door. Seems encouraging."

Heading into the temple, the trio finds a wall with ancient inscriptions.

"Whoa! Check this out!"

"Can you translate that?" Sonic asked, looking curious.

Suddenly, Y/N's emerald necklace begins to glow along with her eyes as she looks through the ancient inscriptions and explains. Flashback shows the echidna warriors combining the seven different colored emeralds.

"Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors known as the echidnas forged the seven Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created..."

"The Master Emerald." Sonic concluded as Y/N continued.

The Master Emerald powers the echidna warrior and blasts out the enemies in the blink of an eye.

"With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies."

Y/N could hear cries of the downed armies. Then the owls came and fly towards the echidna warrior and began to fight him off. Their battle shook the planet. They managed to defeat the echidna warrior and took the Master Emerald away, leaving him out of reach.

"Believing no one should have such power, an order of heroes recovered the emerald and swore to protect it from evil."

With the end of the story, her eyes went back to her normal (F/C) ones as the emerald necklace stopped glowing.

"Sounds like the owls and echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries." Tails said, looking through his device.

"Like Vin Diesel and the Rock."

Sonic sees Y/N and Tails walking ahead of him.

"Whoa! Wait for me!"

Heading deeper into the temple, Sonic, Y/N, and Tails find a giant owl statue. They were speechless at the sight of it.

"Okay, giant owl door, giant owl. Makes sense."

"We know."

Sonic and Y/N approaches to the statue, walking upstairs. There they noticed on the bottom of the statue are inscribed slots.

"Wait a second! I've seen these symbols before."

Sonic pulls out Longclaw's map and sees the exact same symbol and notices the difference. Y/N gestures her brother to do the honors.

"Here we go."

Sonic aligns the symbols like those on the map. This triggers a mystical mechanism as its eyes glows the same green emerald as Y/N's necklace along with the room.

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