《 AU Turn of Events 》

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At the bright sunny day, Gwen and Knuckles are cuddling underneath the tree they're lying down on as they listen to the sound of nature full of quietness and peace.

"Hey, Knuckles?"


"Have you ever like wonder that maybe somewhere in the universe, like how our meeting will be different?"

"Like what?"

"Like... we did lose everything. But we somehow found each other after and maybe went through all the adventures together."

Knuckles put out a thoughtful look for a moment before facing her.

"Never thought of that. Our adventure would sound amazing and full of honor."

Gwen smiled and snuggled herself against his chest.

"I figured you'd say that. I was thinking the same thing. It would be great without us being enemies and fighting each other."

"And yet here we are. Together."

"Yeah, together."

The couples went back to cuddling as they then took a nap, which causes them to be in a dream they won't forget.


Years earlier...

Young Sonic pulls out a sunflower and a rose he picked from the outside, which makes Longclaw and young Gwen happy. Longclaw notices a tribe of echidnas in the trees, aiming their weapons at the trio. She then shuts the door and grabs young Sonic and young Gwen to protect them.

"Get down!"

The echidnas fire their arrows from their bows and they hit almost every corner of Longclaw's house, with one arrow breaking the window, barely missing Longclaw, and passing through Sonic's flowers, pinning them to the wood floor.

The echidnas climb through the windows and prepare to attack, but Longclaw, Gwen, and Sonic escape through the back window as the echidnas continue firing arrows at them. Eventually, the leader of the tribe, Pachacamac, fires his arrow and it strikes Longclaw, knocking her, Gwen, and Sonic out of the sky and sending them plummeting to the ground. A wounded Longclaw gets up and puts a very concerned Sonic and Gwen on their feet and they look up at her.

"Sonic, Y/N, you have to keep on running. They'll never stop until they find you two."

Longclaw gasps as she hears the echidna tribe getting closer, then she looks back down at Sonic and Gwen. She gently pushes them forward.

"Longclaw!" Sonic called worriedly.

"Go, Sonic, Gwen! I'll stop them!" Longclaw ordered, getting ready to fight the tribe.

"We're not leaving you!" Young Gwen pleaded.

"Run!! Now!!"

The two hedgehog siblings hesitates. Longclaw looks at them softly.

"Go! I promise I'll look for you two!"

They eventually nodded and young Sonic grabs his sister's hand and runs off in speed. Longclaw faces the echidna tribe and closes her eyes griefly.

"I'm sorry, my children..."


Later, young Sonic and Gwen are walking alone in the forest nervously as soon as they're far away from the fight.

"Do you think Longclaw will win?" young Sonic asked worriedly.

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